Published Nov 29, 2008
271 Posts
I know there are several threads about Lancaster General, buy many are old and all have few responses. So I am starting a new thread to see if any one can help me.
Has anyone here started there as a new grad?
I interviewed there this past week and am hoping to continue in the hiring process.
So after your initial interview what happened?
The sign-on bonus / stipend - how long after you were hired did you get that?
How was your new grad orientation? Do you think it was sufficient and that they offered a supportive environment for new grads?
222 Posts
I started there end of Aug.It is a good hosp to work for. I am on nites I do 4 eight hour shifts a week. There weeks are from Sun to sat.
I did get a bonus you have to work for them for a year and if you dont you have to repay them with a 12% interest rate. I just finished orientation. I am on a med surg floor.
THe hosp is always busy and gets filled to capacity freq. Nites are very busy we get 6-8pts a nite usually 6.
As far as the interview process you probably will be asked questions then they may asked if you want to shadow and interview for a day on a floor or 2 to see if you like it then they will call you. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me
22 Posts
"lizzmatt" how was your interview process like a LGH? On their website it said behavioral interview? How was that like!? What type of questions did they ask! It has been a while since I had a professional interview! Freaking out! And what was your impression of the hospital? Many new graduates or a lot of experienced nurses? And last but not least, how long is orientation!? I am thinking about interviewing there but I would like to know more about the hospital. THANKS!!!
It was a pretty standard interview. They asked things like strengths/ weaknesses, why I want to work in their hospital, a couple "tell me about a time...". Am I planning on furthering my education... And they spend a lot of time going over the benefits.
I am not so sure I did well though, because she told me she would call me Monday and I have not heard from her.
The hospital is nice and orientation is 12 weeks, if I remember correctly the first 2 are mostly classroom.
They offered to let me come shadow. Maybe if I don't hear anything in the next couple of days I should set that up.
Okay sounds good! Except for "tell me when..." I dont think i am going to like those questions! I should start a thread about interviews! Thanks for replying lizzmatt! I would call them back if they said they were on Monday. It appears they are busy in human resource. The lady who called me apologize for taking long to following up on my application. What floor did you apply for???
lizmatt did you hear from LGH? What floors are you considering?
I still have not heard anything - so maybe I didn't do so hot at the interview.
I applied for the floor that is opening in March - I believe 8 East (could be wrong about that though, my brain is mush right now from staying up all night studying for a huge exam today)
"lizzmatt" don't lose hope! If they said you can shadow a nurse that sounds pretty promising. Give them a call!
Heyy "Lizzmatt" did you get the job at LGH!?
As far as I know, I did not. I got so busy with finals that I did not follow up. Have you had your interview yet?
Heyy, I have my interview on Thursday. I also applied to hershey medical center and they are hiring new graduates, if you are still in the interviewing process. Did you give them a call? It is weird that they would say they are going to call but did not.
- hey just wondering how your interview went today