Kennesaw State Fall 2013 Applicants

U.S.A. Georgia


Just wondering if anyone out there is planning to apply to Kennesaw State for the Fall of 2013. I know the deadline is 3 months away, but I wanted to get a thread started for anyone interested in discussing the process as we go along!

Interesting. Well now we know what to look for!

I can't believe this is only day 2 after the interviews are over! Grrrrrr.....I need a fast-forward button! ;)

Yup. Glad you spoke up about it- yesterday I had the desire to check my email every hour but didn't, no point.

I just received an email from F and almost had a heart attack - but it was just to let us know that BIOL 3317 is being offered this summer.

Oh my poor nerves...

I didn't receive that email so it may mean something?!

It's my understanding you have to be a nursing major to register for that class.

Never mind- you don't this summer.

@Marasca I got that email too. Did you apply as Accelerated? I did, so I think maybe that's why we got it and others didn't? I dunno just thinking out loud. I think the patho class is online, at least that's what it said in the course catalogue, so if it is I will try to take it this summer. That is if KSU can change my undergrad admission to summer instead of fall. We'll see!

It's not online tis summer, I wish it were.

I did apply to the accelerated program. I guess they want us to be thinking about the possibility of lightening the load a bit for Fall Semester. If we get accepted we can register for that one during drop/add.

Thanks for the update Marasca...I didn't get that email but I applied for the traditional program. Hopefully we will hear from others that got it. :)

I also received that email and I applied for the accelerated program. I am having the same problem with registration too! I will be calling admissions tomorrow to see if it is possible to switch to summer.

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