Kennesaw State BSN Fall 09

U.S.A. Georgia


Well, I got my app and transcripts in just under the 1/31 deadline and now I play the waiting game. Anyone else applying for Fall semester? I shooting for both the regular BSN program and the accelerated version. I did really good on the TEAS (91) but my grades leave a lot to be desired (3 A's and the rest are B's), so I'm pretty nervous as to whether I have a chance. :p

To everyone else who is, good luck!


Congrats JDS!!! :yeah:

I'm still waiting on mine but I'll be sure to badger the postman every day until it arrives. ;)

Thanks! I only know one other person who has received their letter so far, so I think I just got lucky to get it so fast. I've just been a lurker here, but it looks like many of us will be classmates! Looking forward to meeting all of you (at least those going for accelerated!)

:yeah:yay! i am also in! I got accepted to the traditonal program for fall 2009. I hope some of my nursing classes from GA State will transfer. I can't wait!

I am on the standby list for accelerated. I think I might just try again for Spring because standby is so frustrating. Congrats to those that were accepted! I am finishing my first bachelor's this summer, so it would have been tough going right back into school for nursing. :)

Yes, the letters went out Friday...Got mine today, and I'm in the accelerated program! Good Luck to all :)

Congratulations! I also got my acceptance letter for the accelerated program! I'm so excited :) Looking forward to meeting you in August!

I am still waiting!!! The suspense is killing me! haha.

Just got the letter! I am in for the fall traditional program! Yay!

yay! kenngirl, glad that someone else is starting the same traditional program with me at the same semester.

I got my acceptance letter for Accelerated today! Yep, did some serious celebratin' tonight :D Congrats to everyone else who got in too!

Congrats everybody, and it looks like I will be seeing some of you (leahboh and Do Or Do Not) in the fall :yeah:


Ok so is there anybody that hasn't gotten their letter yet? I am beginning to feel that mine got lost or something!!! Congrats to everybody that has gotten in!

Congratulations to everybody that has made it this far!

Kpxqtx619....surely there are more people that have gotten in the traditional program that can join in here, hopefully we can touch base soon. We will have to do a CPR class among other things before starting and that would be a great opportunity to meet up.

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.

Congratulations Do or Do Not!!! Kennesaw was your first pick, wasn't it?

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