Published May 5, 2011
1 Post
My school required us to use both ATI and Kaplan review. Alot of us students have noticed that the Kaplan and ATI answers contradict each other on some questions so we are unsure which one is correct and we were wondering if anyone has also used both of these NCLEX study preps and if so which one has questions/answers that are more similar to the NCLEX. Also, did you find the Kaplan strategies to help when it came to answering questions on the NCLEX? We graduate in 1 week. Thanks for any help!
71 Posts
My school used ATI and I did not find it helpful at all. I have heard Kaplan is much more like the NCLEX as well so I would probably go with Kaplan if I were you!
38,333 Posts
I would bring up the topic of discrepancies with instructors at the school.
Pooh Bear RN
50 Posts
I would suggest using Kaplan. Tough questions, that I felt were more difficult than NCLEX and the decision tree really helps especially when your completely unsure of an anwser. Best of luck to you and your classmates.
186 Posts
i like kaplan questions better than ati stuff...kaplan is really application type questions...and i felt it was harder than 500 dollars i have ever spent...from the question the decision tree to their videos and their qbank...i will recommed kaplan to anyone....