Published Jul 23, 2013
102 Posts
Hi everyone!! I was wondering which will be better? I did Hurst review already for my core content and I love it. But I feel like their Q-Review aren't great. So I was wondering if which one is better the Kaplan qbank or ncsbn 3week course? I just want to enhance my test taking strategy since I don't want to mess up my core content skills. I am really confused right now. Will be much appreciated! Thank you!
48 Posts
Are you able to afford both? Kaplan's questions are harder than nclex but NCSBN are the makers of nclex. I think since you're good with content either one will be fine! Good luck to you. :)
- I can't afford both and I also don't want to take chances. Have you tried both?
I've done Kaplan. Questions there are challenging
14 Posts
I've done both and recommend Kaplan qbank! ncsbns questions are pretty difficult but their rationales aren't the best. Kaplan had difficult questions with pretty good rationales. I feel I learned more from the Kaplan qbank:)
100 Posts
I had both & favored kaplan more.
Couldn't agree more!
199 Posts
I used both. Get Kaplan qBank if you can afford it.
Good luck!
Thnak for the replies guys :)
But how does the qbank differ from the qtrainer???
Is the qbank more importnant than the qtrainer?