Kaplan Q Bank


From what I've been seeing here, the Kaplan Q bank is the closest to the NCLEX style.

Kaplan's site lists it as containing "1000 + questions". If that is correct am I wrong to think that just over 1000 questions is not enough for a three month period?

For the price they're asking I don't want to run out of questions.

Well, yes and no. The complete package would have you taking seven tests, with varying numbers of questions each, from 75 through 265 per test. Those tests can be repeated as well.

The Q-Bank is invaluable, in my opinion, because it allows you to focus on areas of weakness (as pointed out by your results from each quiz). You design your own quizzes, either by type of question, content, or number of questions. This way, you can hone in on where you need more work.

I found that it took me something like 8 weeks to go through them all, but I also threw in quizzes from other sources, like Saunders and Lippincott's to mix it up a bit. Keep in mind I worked ALOT on the Q-Bank and other Kaplan materials, so it was more like a full-time job for me for those two months. It might take you longer, or less time, depending on your study habits.

And even after you've "used" the Q-Bank questions, you can go and use them again. Might sound like it's not worthwhile, but I found it very worthwhile: you'll be doing so many questions, I found I sometimes didn't remember even SEEING a question that was a repeat, and the ones I DID remember, I didn't always remember what the correct answer was...so I was testing anew, even though it was an "old" question.

For what it's worth, by the time I took my actual NCLEX exam, it looked and felt pretty much like Question Trainer #8: identical to the kinds of tests I'd been doing all along.

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