Kaplan is frustrating me!


Specializes in Med/Surg.


Did anyone else taking the Kaplan class start out feeling totally stupid? I just took their diagnostic test and the first two nclex practice tests from the cd rom and I didn't do well at all! :crying2:

The other "fake nclex" tests from school I've taken I've passed so far, but I didn't pass any of the Kaplan tests. :cry:

Please tell me by the end of the class, I'll get better at these!! I'm really feeling bad right now... :bluecry1: :bluecry1: :bluecry1:




Did anyone else taking the Kaplan class start out feeling totally stupid? I just took their diagnostic test and the first two nclex practice tests from the cd rom and I didn't do well at all! :crying2:

The other "fake nclex" tests from school I've taken I've passed so far, but I didn't pass any of the Kaplan tests. :cry:

Please tell me by the end of the class, I'll get better at these!! I'm really feeling bad right now... :bluecry1: :bluecry1: :bluecry1:




I took the readiness (last test) already and I felt so dumb. I failed! The questions are very hard. Go to their website if you access online. It is partly helpful! Good luck!

Let me tell you about myself. I just graduated from a good ADN program with a 4.0. I did well on the HESI (do other schools give that?). I actually did quite well on that. I'm now taking Kaplan, and I feel like a moron! I do okay in class with the questions...of course, I'm taking Kaplan with one of my favorite instructors from nursing school who makes everything make sense! BUT, I just took the first test on the CD and didn't do too well. I got a 59% overall and only a 29% on Application-type questions (if that means anything to you). I haven't even gotten to the hardest type of questions yet. Now, I'm panicking. How can I do this poorly. Anyway, that's my situation in a nutshell. I hope to review more of the Kaplan book tonight and try some more of the tests. We'll see...

Cindy :uhoh3:

Hi Kitty-May!

I felt the same way after I started taking it. I was so frusterated and in tears after the first week. It will get better once you start using their strategies. I've been reading over the rationales for all 7 of the tests on the cd-rom. There's a lot of stuff to read on there, but after you keep reading it all, it starts to click and make sense.

Hang in there! By the end of the week, you'll be a pro!!

i took kaplan last year and a passed nclex. on the cdrom what i did was just answer all A's so that i could read all the rationals instead. i think that was more hepful because i too did horrible on the tests. of all the people that took kaplan at my school only 1 person failed and of course that was someone that did not take it seriously. (dont they still give a refund if you fail)

dont worry you will all do fine


Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

I'm in the same boat as everyone else here. I just took the readiness test today and I don't think I did to well. As for the practice tests on the CD and I have done awful. 1st-49% 2-54% 3-42%. I nervous just to take anymore. However if you do a search you'll find this topic talked about a lot and the geneal consensus is that Kaplan questions are hard and people failed the practice tests but passed boards with flying colors. This helped me calm down a little, but my stress level is through the roof with this. Kaplan just makes it seem like I learned nothing in school.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Thanks everyone for your comments, I feel better. (Sort of!) :)

I do think their strategies are helpful--I guess I just need to practice. And I'm planning on studying up until "The Day". Maybe Kaplan needs to make people panic a little so you'll want to take their classes! :uhoh21:

Good Luck to everyone!!



Is anyone taking the q-bank from them? I want to but I don't want a repetition of questions from what we already have. Please let me know!

I took the Kaplan class last week. Prior to the class I had done about 25% of the Qbank questions, and saw maybe 2 repeated questions used during the class.

I'm up to about 40% of the questions now, and haven't seen any other repeats (either from the class or on the question trainer CD)

I'd say that 95%++ of the questions are new! I'm so glad that I purchased it. It's really easy to use and you can customize practically any kind of tests. I take the NCLEX next week, so hopefully the questions will help.

And I agree, when I first started kaplan (well the q bank questions especially) I was making really low grades compared to my school grades and how I did on the Saunder's book and CD. I hope it works!

Good Luck:)

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Well, I just took the test #3 in the Kaplan question trainer and I got the same percentage as test #2! Now I have 63%,49%, and 49%!! I just underlined my stupidity! :banghead:

I might try the Q bank because I'm just freaking now.

Tomorrow I have the "Non-Readiness Test" and I hope my score is better than the Diagnostic because I was a hair below passing! :crying2:

Has anyone used the Training library at the class sites? Anything helpful in there?

Good luck to everyone else in this study course!! :uhoh3:



Specializes in Med/Surg.



Good luck studying and good luck on the NCLEX next week! I hope it all works out for you! :)



I am not doing any review courses as I don't have $400 to spend, but would you recommend me at least buying the Kaplan book? I have Saunder's comprehensive, the Pre-RN one from ERI, and Nclex 3000 and 3500 cds and that's all I've been using. Seeing how everyone is saying how Kaplan's questions most resemble the NCLEX makes me want to buy it. Can I get it in any stores or do I have to order online? I'm going away Sunday and I'd like it in my hands before then! Nothing like studying on vacation. (I think I remember seeing the 2004-2005 Kaplan book at Barnes and Noble when I was there a few months ago...)

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