Kaplan college in San Diego RN program

U.S.A. California


Hi, I will be starting the RN program with Kaplan as soon as we relocate. My husband's in the Military so the wait lists at other colleges turned me away from them.

Do any of you go to Kaplan? If so, how did it work out for the student loans and stuff , I am confused. It seems as if tuition is around 45000 for the couple years of the program. I am eligible for the pell grant and the military grant of 3000 per year. But would the loans be able to cover everything else since it's a vocational school more than a traditional college? Thanks!

I have heard mixed reviews but I am confident that I made the right decision. I have been researching for months...

congrats to you. what kinds of things have you heard?

Lol that is so funny....I don't know where I will live at but somewhere around the school within 20mi BUT I cant go look until I find out if I am in :sofahider These smileys are hilarious but I will be moving from Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Yes I am really confident about my decision as well, I have researched as much as possible and I think this school fits me, plus its in San Diego, I couldnt ask for more. Lolwut, the main concern with people is that this school is nationally accredited I believe which basically means that nursing degree is legit but to further your education you may not have as many options. One option that is for sure is going through University of Pheonix. already have my bachelors degree in Psychology with no loans nor do I owe any money so I consider the 50k the cost of my nursing degree and bachelors (a way of psyching myself out of thingking about the price tag lol). As I hear, my tuition will be lowered bc I have all my pre-reqs completed. Other than accredidation and tuition I think those are the only complaints about the school. The few people on here that I have found who went there seemed to like the school alot. Hey jangelvi, Did they make you take your drug and background check?? I thought that was a little weird and expensive to take before we know if we are in or not. All in all I am just trying to finish school as soon as I can. I loved the quote I read somewhere on the thread that said the years I am wasting on waiting list is money I am losing (60k, average starting salary). I figure only I can make of my career what I want, there are always loopholes and schools that will accept the units. :icon_hug:

Congrats to both of you. I hope you really did do the research though. Since you both have BS degrees, you can mostlikely get into any nursing program. As I mentioned in this thread before, I had planned to apply to Kaplan but after going through the PCAT program (half way), decided that was not the school for me. I strongly suggest that you look at other schools. I am going to National University and it is soooo much better. If you don't make it in this time, you will have to wait 6 months, whereas at NU, they have entrance into the program 4 times a year. The cost is basically the same, if not less. Check out the allnurses.com/pre-nursing-student/national-university-san diego thread. I read this thread all the way through one day when I was disappointed with my PCAT program and decided right then and there to quit and make the change. I am so glad I did.

But whatever you decide, I wish you the best. In the end, we will all be :nurse:'s.


I have heard though that the PCAT program is much different than the RN program and where a lot of people said they didn't like the PCAT program others said they liked the nursing program. I have actually applied to NU and as many have also said getting into the nursing school right away is a pain because, as I did sent in my application 3 months ago and have not heard back from them, they don't answer the phone and since I dont live in San Diego I cant waste time going down there just to get some attention. Thats my take BUT everyone has a different experience and it sucks because one person may go to a school and LOVE IT while someone else could go and HATE IT. Like you said in the end we will all be nurses and after being in school for the last 8 years, changing majors and careers I just want to get done. BUT I will check out NU again if I dont get in Kaplan...EEEKKKK I dont even like saying if I dont get in because Im praying everyday I do.

I have heard though that the PCAT program is much different than the RN program and where a lot of people said they didn't like the PCAT program others said they liked the nursing program. I have actually applied to NU and as many have also said getting into the nursing school right away is a pain because, as I did sent in my application 3 months ago and have not heard back from them, they don't answer the phone and since I dont live in San Diego I cant waste time going down there just to get some attention. Thats my take BUT everyone has a different experience and it sucks because one person may go to a school and LOVE IT while someone else could go and HATE IT. Like you said in the end we will all be nurses and after being in school for the last 8 years, changing majors and careers I just want to get done. BUT I will check out NU again if I dont get in Kaplan...EEEKKKK I dont even like saying if I dont get in because Im praying everyday I do.

Well I will pray for you as well. I agree about hearing the RN program is different. I wish you the best and please let me know how it goes once you are in....positive thinking!!! I do like the instructor though. A few of the RN instuctors subbed for my instructor when he was out sick so I got to know a few of them. They are tough though, but that is how I like it. Good luck!!

For Sure, Thanks so much for your support...

ok, this is so good to know. transferrability of courses is not an issue with me. i was more concerned with quality of education, instructors, student satisfaction, etc.

Specializes in snf, rehab.

misdimplesuf, I did the backround check and drug testing as well...I thought that it was a bit unusual as well...but, I guess this information is neccesary in determining who is accepted.

lolwut, ditto to what misdimplesuf said on Kaplan...i spent years going back and forth and over analyzing...i am done...i am going to be a nurse and i am going to kaplan...there are so many opinions out there...enough to criple anyone who is on the fence. So listen to your gut...like msdimplesuf cleaverly stated..." I figure only I can make of my career what I want, there are always loopholes and schools that will accept the units. "

My blessings to all of you whatever course you decide to take!!

I am currently in Kaplan's RN program. When I started I was also made to have a physical and drug test but my rep told me that as long as I pass that I was in, so rest easy, you are pretty much in! The program is intense but really nice. People will always complain about one or two instructors, but it's usually those who are failing that complain. If you do your assigned work then you will do fine. I graduate in August and love the program. Good luck with your program and remember to never let yourself fall behind! If you have an specific question then feel free to ask me!

DimplesandCurls, Just the person I wanted to talk to. I am trying to wait o so patiently but the wait is killing me lol. I had a sneaking suspicion that they gave the test to the people who they felt were most qualified and who they felt had a good chance of getting in. I wish there were more people who were on here who could spread the good about Kaplan, people who actually are in the nursing program. Anyways ok so you think I have a good chance in getting in? I have a BA, 2 years nursing experience passed the teas and wonderlic with flying colors. How long did it take them to call you? I called last week but they said the reps were on vacay so I'm hoping to hear something by next week. I need to go meet my roomie who is on hold until I hear something. So the program is doable huh, do you work at all? Was it easy to get financed? I have no student loans from my BA so I am thinking I should be able to get financed pretty easy. OK sorry to bore you with all the questions lol:yawn: Im just happy there is finally someone who is on here that is almost done with the program and who can give advice. Thanks again

I am currently in Kaplan's RN program. When I started I was also made to have a physical and drug test but my rep told me that as long as I pass that I was in, so rest easy, you are pretty much in! The program is intense but really nice. People will always complain about one or two instructors, but it's usually those who are failing that complain. If you do your assigned work then you will do fine. I graduate in August and love the program. Good luck with your program and remember to never let yourself fall behind! If you have an specific question then feel free to ask me!

Hi D&C. What do you mean by assigned work...you mean there is alot of homework or papers or presentations or quizzes or what? Are you pretty much on campus or in clinical M-F? And are clinicals pretty much in the area, if not what are some of the farther sites? Do they have a library or study place to work in between classes? How long are the "semesters" and do you get vacation time between them? Do most people pass the program? What happens if you fail a class (seems most places kick those students out)? You seem pretty positive about the program. Is there anything about the program you are not so positive about? Besides yourself, how is student morale overall? Thx for checking in.

Two more: how many uniforms are included in the fees? And what color do the RN students wear? Petty, I know. But I am curious. :D

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