Hello everyone.
I was working last Sunday and at the end of my shift the OA came up to me and asked me to walk with her. I asked her if I had done something wrong, she told me I was fine but she escorted me off the unit. She then told me that one of my patients family members stated that I looked like I was under the influence. She told me I had to submit to a urine and blood test immediately. I told I did not want to and she stated that I would be reported to the BON if I refused. Long story short, I was not inebriated but I smoke weed on my days off. It is now Thursday and I still haven't heard anything back. My manager called me before I was scheduled to work to tell me not to report to work until the situation is resolved. I fully expect the test to come back positive for THC. I am so scared and I do not know what to do. It feels like the end of the world. So what can I expect to happen next? Will it be easier to pursue another career than to go through TPAPN? I have researched the TPAPN process and it seems so humiliating. I don't know what to do. I know I need to admit I have a problem and I am almost there but not quite. Any advice, Please?