Just took the NCLEX today...


Hi everyone!

So i took my NCLEX this morning and wow... with my two months of studying it didn't seem like i knew a thing... So because of that I'm freaking out... I know that the number of questions you get doesn't relate to if you pass or not but I would love to get everyone opinion on what they think! My test shut off at around 90-94 questions... I had 14 SATA, 2 drag and drops, 1 EKG strip, and no med calculations. I just don't know what to think at all... I feel like I could have passed but at the same time, I think that because it turned off so early there is a high risk that I failed... I'm just freaking out!!! I'm way to scared to do the PVT.... because if i see that credit card page I will lose it.... I would rather see the pass/fail on Thursday when i get my early results....

goodluck i hope you passed

Wantafanta I took it yesterday and had about 140+ questions and around the same amount of SATA, no drag and drop, no meds(just output calculation) and 1 ekg. I was scared as heck too of the CC page because I have gotten 3 times before and I know how much it stings. Regardless, I still went ahead and did the pvt trick 15 minutes after my exam and got the good pop up. Something tells me you will get it aswell. My advice is to go ahead and do it already so you cans start celebrating early !!

I feel the same way.....I did get the good pop up but I will be relieved when I see he official results.

Wantafanta I took it yesterday and had about 140+ questions and around the same amount of SATA, no drag and drop, no meds(just output calculation) and 1 ekg. I was scared as heck too of the CC page because I have gotten 3 times before and I know how much it stings. Regardless, I still went ahead and did the pvt trick 15 minutes after my exam and got the good pop up. Something tells me you will get it aswell. My advice is to go ahead and do it already so you cans start celebrating early !!

Thanks for making me feel a little better. I would just be absolutely devastated if i get the credit card page.... MA does do quick results so I just need to wait till tomorrow, but I just don't know.... I didn't think the test was brutal but at the same time it was not easy by any means.... I'm so worried.

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