Published Sep 29, 2006
25 Posts
Hello everyone. I just took NCLEX-RN yesterday with 110 questions. I had to take an educated guess on a few questions and I got alot of priority questions. I know that there isn't any way of telling if you passed or failed but someone told me that if the computer shuts off early that its a good sign. Is this true? Probably not but I am Feeling as if I failed =(.
1,700 Posts
You can't tell if you've passed or failed by the number of questions - check out the other threads on that!! Neither can you 2nd guess "the beast", all you can do now is go out with your friends, have a laugh & forget the whole thing until you are able to find out your actual result!
Good luck to you!
DolphinRN84, MSN, RN, APRN, NP
1,326 Posts
Good luck with your results! And can not determine pass/fail by the number of questions nor can you determine pass/fail by how early the test ends. But good luck and let us know when you find out!
hlfpnt, BSN, RN
665 Posts
Sitting right there with you! Good luck!
238 Posts
Prayers that you passed from chicago!!!!
Thank you everybody for your kind words and support. I PASSED!!!!!! I am officially an RN........YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another new nurse is born! Congratulations!!