Just took the HESI NCLEX-RN class and....


Thought it was a waste of my time. We were given a study guide and basically read to for three days. There were a couple of practice questions thrown in to keep us awake, but I really could've accomplished more spending those three days studying on my own. I felt pretty comfortable about taking the NCLEX soon before taking the class, now I feel like I'm not too sure about anything. There were several Allnurses friends there and all those I talked to felt the same way.

I've heard good things about Kaplan, I wish I'd waited to take that class, but need to take the NCLEX ASAP.

So....save the $200 and use $35 of it to buy a really good NCLEX book. :idea:


Thought it was a waste of my time. We were given a study guide and basically read to for three days. There were a couple of practice questions thrown in to keep us awake, but I really could've accomplished more spending those three days studying on my own. I felt pretty comfortable about taking the NCLEX soon before taking the class, now I feel like I'm not too sure about anything. There were several Allnurses friends there and all those I talked to felt the same way.

I've heard good things about Kaplan, I wish I'd waited to take that class, but need to take the NCLEX ASAP.

So....save the $200 and use $35 of it to buy a really good NCLEX book. :idea:


Hi Keli,

I just received an email from a classmate and she had the same complaint. She actually called Hesi today and requested a refund. I guess she was pretty upset. A supervisor called her back and stated that they normally don't give refunds but they would wait and see how the class evaluations turned out....You may want o give them a call as well and voice your concerns........I have a really great CD that I could burn a copy of if you want some extra practice with questions.....



Specializes in Telemetry.

Hey guys,

Glad to see you posted a thread about this, Keli! :)

I definitely agree- the class was a complete waste of time and money. I'm not sure what that $200 per student went towards, because it certainly wasn't reflected in the content or presentation of the class. The book sucked- it had mistakes and several slides were missing. We didn't even get a CD of questions for the $200!! We were told of questions on their website, but would have had to pay an additional $65 to access them! WTH??

I left a scathing evaluation too. Hopefully others in the class were honest in their evals and didn't just check "very good" just to be done with it.

I think I'll give HESI a call too...


Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I took it in Sept. and same story for us. HESI refused to issue a refund. There were more mistakes in that book and all they had to say was they were going to update them soon. Thankfully I passed my boards the first time. Try Suzanne's plan and forget about HESI

I'm going to forget about the three days I wasted (not to mention the $200) and the work I missed for that class, and follow Suzannes plan. I also got the CD from Mary (thanks) and will use it as well to figure out where I need to focus my studies. I just wanted to post this thread to warn others not to waste their time/money. I think using Suzannes plan with Saunders and the two other NCLEX books I have, I'll be prepared.

Now if I can just get my darn ATT....


Specializes in NICU/PICU/peds.

Keli, you were a Banner Fellow, right? Did they use the Saunders book or one of their own? I'm confused.

I know at the end of our block in March they all have planned for our cohort to take a review class, but if I already have the NCLEX book maybe I won't even go! Better to be working those days, methinks. Banner pays for it, but I wonder if it's required....?

No, not a Banner Fellow. Just took the class 'cause I'd heard good things about it. The good things I heard must've been with a different instructor/syllabus. I really thought it would focus on how to answer NCLEX questions and helpful hints. Instead it was three days of basic review of the systems. Okay, I'd just been through three and a half years of school, I've got that part down!!! I've heard good things about Kaplan and I've got the book and it makes sense too. I think I'll just spend my time doing it my own way, it's worked so far....


L&D new grad nurse

I just used saunders - the questions did fifty aday for aweek was well prepaired by the end and the NCLEX was ok - good luck keep a cool head and look for the NURSES answers and you will do fine .

Love Belinda

Thanks Belinda!!

I'll keep that in mind!! I've scheduled my test so it's getting down to the wire now. I'd tell you when it is but I don't want to jinx myself :lol2:. I'm not going to tell anyone (but my hubby) and just let people know after I've passed :balloons:

Take care and tell everyone hey for me, I miss you guys...


I just passed my NCLEX, (an evil test I might add) and the only part that we were required to do for our classes through MCC was the HESI tests at the end of blocks 2 & 4. I also attended the Kaplan review. From the sounds of it, the Kaplan must be a great deal better than the HESI. It was four days with a 180 question review test to tell you how your were doing and how well they predicted you would do on the NCLEX prior to the review, and approximately 3.5 days of doing practice questions in the class, followed by another 180 question prep test to see if you had gotten the general idea of how to pass the NCLEX. At the end they provided you with another read out as to how you were predicted to do on the NCLEX after the class. Either way, I would recommend the Kaplan NCLEX study guide, which comes with a CD of questions, before I would recommend the Saunders. The Kaplan seemed to me to be more in line with what was actually asked on the NCLEX. For those who have tested and passed, congratulations. For those who tested and didn't pass, you'll pass next time. For those of you who haven't tested; Kaplan told us that the NCLEX was like going through labor. . . only 10 times worse. Just remember that none of these review programs is intended to teach you content the way your nursing classes did. The review programs are there to teach you how to pass the NCLEX test. Smile, you will do fine.

Specializes in Pediatric ICU.

I chose not to do the Kaplan (or other) review course before the NCLEX. Took it and passed on 1/24. :yeah: I considered taking the review but decided, after talking to many folks on the subject, that my time would be better spent focusing on the areas I felt weak. I swear, my study buddy and I must have done thousands of questions but we both passed. Perhaps those review courses are good for some....but at the moment....I can't think of who.

Sorry about your lost money Keli. When are you taking the exam or is it still super-secret?

Hey, most of my friends took the NCLEX on 1/24, you probably ran into them!

I took it on 1/17, it's no longer a secret! :lol2: I passed!!! :yeah: I don't think the HESI class helped at all!! I did basically what you did, reviewed areas I was weak in, made sure I knew my lab values, and just did thousands of practice questions. I felt as prepared as you can be when I took the test. I knew I'd walk out of there thinking I'd blown it, but I also knew if I was getting the higher level test questions then I was probably passing. I ended up with 75 questions and they'd all been higher level questions, so I knew as soon as the computer cut off that I'd passed. I really don't think it was as hard as I'd thought it was going to be just because I realized that when you're testing you're still passing if you're missing half the higher level questions, so I didn't get nervous at all. I'm SOOOOO glad it's over though!!

Congratulations to you Boomerfriend, can you believe we're done???? I remember when we were all waiting to get placed!! Seems like yesterday...

Are you working yet? I've got a job at Chandler REgionals womens center and LOVE it. Great nurses, great manager, I'm having a great time there. Keep in touch.

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