Published Sep 2, 2006
37 Posts
Hello, I am a new LPN, just took my boards Friday, and anxiously awaiting the results. I didnt know that they video and audio recorded you while taking the test, that added to the stress of the whole experience. I will let everyone know how I did later, thanks
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
They probably heard me cursing and fretting the whole time I was in there. They did let us know that we would be video and audiotaped, so that was no surprize. I wish you the very best, and I am sure that by now, you received your results!!
83 Posts
just wondering if you found out if you passed the nclex test yet im keeping my fingers crossed for u
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Sorry to rain on your parade, but until you acutally get your results and get a license number assigned to you, you are not an LPN, and should not call yourself such. You are a graduate PN, until you actually get a license assigned to you, and to use the title of LPN can get you in major trouble with the BON in youtr state. Please be very careful with that.
35 Posts
my fingers are crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I passed, now just waiting to get my license in the mail. I dont know where I will work yet tho, probably LTC, and per diem @ the hospital