why can't i just take A&P? why do they have to be separate?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



I have 4 pre-reqs to take to get into this program starting in may, and i have to take anatomy and then physiology. not A&P. does any one think or know of a school letting a student take both at the same time?


I have 4 pre-reqs to take to get into this program starting in may, and i have to take anatomy and then physiology. not A&P. does any one think or know of a school letting a student take both at the same time?

That probably is a semester school? Quater system schools sometimes have a tendency to do A&P together. In either case, it takes one year.

If you can take Anatomy and Physiology at the same time, you are basically going at twice the speed and you better be ready for it. It is really how the individual school has structure the course material so that they can teach the whole thing in one year.

In a quater system, in theory, you can take all 3 quarter in A&P in one quarter, but you bettern not take anything else and probably should not work or anything like that. Also you probably need the prof's approval.

See if you can take it at a local CC that is on a quater system. You can probably get away with taking 2 A&P together in one quarter and then one A&P in the next so you finish in 2 quarters instead of 3 (this is easier than taking two semester of A&P together in one semester).


I have 4 pre-reqs to take to get into this program starting in may, and i have to take anatomy and then physiology. not A&P. does any one think or know of a school letting a student take both at the same time?

My school offered A&P together, so I took 3 quarters of A&P (I, II and III) to get the appropraite credits. You may want to look at another school if your schedule allows.


Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.
Trust me, you will want and need a break in between the two classes!

That's the truth!!! :)

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