Just got my Emory letter

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


"The faculty of the Nell Hodsgon Woodruff School of Nursing has carefully reviewed your application materials and I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a full-time student into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program starting fall semester 2006.

Bla bla bla"

Yay for me! Anyone else going?

Male nurse here

Specializes in Medical Floor RN.

Thank you so much everyone. I just told my husband about what everyone has told me and he was shocked also. I do have a question though, how do you go about asking a teacher for a recommendation. I don't have a lot of teachers to choose from (unless online teachers can count)? LOL! I have never had to do anything like this before and what does the essay need to be about? I would greatly appreciate it. THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH!!

For the chem requirement, both 1151 and 1152 will transfer as well as 1951 and 1952, which are the same classes without a lab. I checked on that this semester before I enrolled in 1151.

If you've taken a lot of online classes, I don't see why you couldn't ask those teachers to give you a recommendation! :)

Which GPC campus are you currently at?

Specializes in Medical Floor RN.

Hey There:

I am at the Clarkston campus this semester taking Micro. I am also taking Political Science and Choices for Life online. What about you?

I'm up at Lawrencevill struggling through Chem 1151 and then I'll be taking 1152 this summer. Last two classes I needed! :)

(edited because I'm not sure what my brain was trying to do while spelling the word 'struggling'. lol)

Specializes in med surg, icu.

What you can do is ask the teacher to write a letter of recommendation for you, and after the teacher agrees, prepare a package for him/her that includes the following:

* A short note thanking the teacher and explaining what you need and when you need it by (some schools require additional paperwork be filled out by the person writing the LOR, and it's always good to add a reminder of a due date... preferably ask for it to be finished a week or two before your application deadline).

* Something similar to a resume, that describes your academic, employment, volunteer work, etc. history... to give them insight into things you've done outside of class

* Information on the academic program you're interested in applying to (so they have at least a vague idea what the people reviewing your application will be looking for)

* An envelope to hold the letter

That's what I did for all of my Letters of Recommendation... based on what I've had to do during my time in the military (whenever people asked for letters of recommendation... or if I had to write an Enlisted Performance Report for anyone I supervised, I usually asked them for those basic things... they really help you write an effective, high-quality letter).

You only need two recommendations... you'll find a way. If you want to see my corny essay I'll send it to you, but it's pretty sad!

Emory's recommendation letters are also online as part of the online application. From what I gathered, you can actually email the form to the professor and they can email it back and it will get attached to your online app. The form has all the questions they want the professor to answer, etc. They require that this form be filled out and then if the professor wants to add an extra piece of paper with more info on it they can.

Now, I didn't do it this way because I like to have paper-in-hand, so to speak, but I'm sure it works just fine!

Specializes in Medical Floor RN.

First> To Miss Lawrenceville:

I went to the Lawrenceville campus last semester for my A&P II. AGGHHH!! Good luck with the CHEM 1151. I really enjoyed it. I haven't taken the plunge for 1152 yet.

Second> To my wonderful friends of ALLNursing:

Thank you so much for your insight. This has been wonderful info. Droopy: I would greatly appreciate the essay if you don't mind sending it to me. Am I able to post my email? I didn't know. I will check this post tomorrow. I have to go to work tonight. Good luck everyone and God Bless and good night.

Specializes in Endocrine (Diabetes), Pediatric Psych.

Hey, hey! Looks like you've decided to apply - let me give you some more info on what everyone has said:

Resume - having a list of activities works for them too (that's what I did) if you don't want to make an actual resume, but then again, it could impress...

Recommendation - the actual paper rec isn't online on the nursing school website last time I checked, send me a private message (can't post your email on a post, hence the PM system - if you don't know already, it's on the top right-hand corner of the screen) if you want the paper one (I saved it when I requested it), 'cause otherwise you'll have to request it from Emory, which may take longer...the online rec system works like this: on the online application, you list the emails of your three recommenders, and Emory will email them a copy of the form; when the recommenders send it, Emory will send you an email to say they got it.

Recommenders - I've never taken an online class before, so I have no idea as to how the teacher-student relationship works, but do make sure they're all strong recs; three total, 2 academic (one science, the other any subject), and one personal.

Essay - they're into interests!! For example, any extracurricular activities that you do, anything that you're interested in (I take it you have an interest in pediatric oncology if I remember right...DEFINITELY write about how you got there!) - the heart of the essay understandably should be nursing, but I had a whole paragraph dedicated to one particular volunteer thing that I've done that I love...write your heart out, I'll even help you write it, the sky's the limit! (or to be more exact, 2 pages single-spaced is the most they'll read). And if you download the application from the website, they have the exact info on the essay questions they're looking for.

Financial aid - read closely: Sooner file date = more $$$$$$. There's two forms that are online that you need to fill out, the CSS Profile and the FAFSA, and if you don't have a degree yet, then you qualify for the HOPE scholarship. Stafford loans are your friends (low interest), and the NEAT and CHANCES scholarships (you would like CHANCES better - it's the kids version of the NEAT at Children's Healthcare...work for 3 years at Egelston/Scottish Rite = up to $32k of aid for the two nursing school years...the app is due on the soonish side - April 1 - check it out at http://www.choa.org)

And this holds true for any school - call and check after you mail everything in to make sure it made it okay, don't assume they got it! (especially if the recs are mailed separately and not as a group)

Whew! Think I got everything, but feel free to ask questions, don't mind a bit! Good luck!

~Adria :)

Specializes in Medical Floor RN.

Wow Droopy:

That was an absolutely amazing essay and I can see why they accepted you. That was truly wonderful. To everyone that has talked with me on this situation, thank you. I have thought long and hard about this situation and talked with my husband and I do feel that I have a little bit of a way to go before I am Emory ready. In the job that I work, I have not had the opportunity to live the experiences I would like to outside of school and work and I do feel that I need to build up my resume a little bit and make a few better connections with my teachers and peers before I make this big step in my life. I want to be the best I can and in order for me to do this, I feel that I am going to continue on my current path and try out GPC and once I am able to stop working in the fall, I will have the ability to do the volunteering that I so much would like to do and I would just like to see where GPC can lead me and if it is not what I want it to be, you will all see me in the near future saying that I am Emory ready. Good luck to everyone and I will be keeping in touch.

Thanks on the compliments!

Don't settle for less. I'm sure you'd have an easier time at Emory than at GPC and make better grades. Even if you only spend 2-4 hours each Saturday volunteering, make time to do it. It's easy and fun if you find the right place. When you get ready to apply for your masters (say you try to do Ped NP) it'll look much better on your application than GPC ADN, for example, plus a BSN received at Phoenix U online. Nothing wrong with that, Emory just looks better, your grades will be better, and if you do the NEAT program to cut your tuition in half, they have one of the best learning hospitals systems in the country. Think about your future too!

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