just finished nclex @ 147 questions


I did nclex earlier today and finally did the pvt trick and got the "Good pop up". my nerves are still on edge.....how good is this trick anyway?

for those "soon to test"- i got 147 questions i had about 13 sata, 6 meds, 6 calculations and lots of infection control....

its all about nerves with the nclex, i did about 150-200 questions a day and used kaplan and exam cram....i still felt completely lost!

i just hope this PVT trick is as good as many say

CONGRATS!!!!!! You did it! I am going next Tuesday for the 2nd time and I am still so nervous, feel like I am not retaining anything anymore. I do about 200 questions a day from Kaplan, Saunders and LaCharity! My goal this weekend is to review test taking strategies and the stuff that I was weak on the first time. Once again, congrats!!!!


did you know the meds that they asked you?

absolutely not!......had to use the ole "ends with olol" rule!

How were the infection control questions like ??

they would give a disease then ask what you would do.....the trick is each answer is a different precaution so not only do u have to know which action matches the precaution, you also have to mach the precaution to the disease....it doesn't just say "standard precaution"

Is this for the NCLEX PN? I'm taking it Thursday. Scared!!

it definitely works.....took mine on 25th with the good pop up and found out on the 26th that i was licensed.

cresha how did u get it so fast? are u in NY?

devin- yes LPN

the PVT trick is legit......good pop up=pass....just got my unofficial scores from rapid results on pearson vue:yeah:

Did you end up passing? I just took the NCLEX and did 147 questions and did the trick and got the good pop up.

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