Johns Hopkins BSN/MSN Fall 2010 Anyone?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi all - maybe I am jumping the gun, but has anyone else begun working on their applications for Summer/Fall 2010 admission?

I plan on applying for direct entry to JHU, UCSF, Yale, Columbia, and Vanderbilt. With the exception of UCSF's 9/1 deadline, the rest seem to be due between 11/1 and 12/1. Although UCSF has the closest deadline, I am stressing the most about the essays for JHU. Anyone started them yet?

Also, does anyone plan on attending the open house that JHU is having in September? I would love to go, but I am in California, so I have to decide if it is worth the $$$. I am thinking I might be better off saving the money to fly out for the interview (positive thinking here).

Anyway, I would love to compare notes with anyone applying, or anyone who applied last year.

Thanks and good luck! :D

I was sitting in front of my computer frustrated and annoyed this evening that I still hadn't heard from JHU. I was about to post a rant on here, but then my phone rang with a 410 area code showing. I got waitlisted for ABSN, but was offered a spot in traditional, which I accepted. Guess I will have to survive on lima beans for the extra 7.5 mos. :lol2: Congrats to everyone, and for anyone still waiting, I truly feel your sounds like they are tying to make as many calls and tie things up ASAP.

Congratulations! Make sure you join us on Facebook too: John Hopkins University *Traditional Nursing Class of 2012*! There is also one for the accelerated class: Johns Hopkins University *Accelerated Nursing Class of 2011*

Will you be able to make it to Accepted Students Day? It's such short notice for the newest acceptances - but hope to see you there!

Thanks, won't make it to Accepted Students Day, but would love to hear about it afterwards. For those of you going, drop a line about the experience when you can.



I was also waitlisted for the accelerated program and offered a spot in the traditional option. I am not sure if I will accept it just yet. But it's such a nice option to have!! And from reading the forums, Hopkins seems like a wonderful match for me. So who knows, I might see some of you in the fall!

Congratulations, CAhopeful! Be sure to check out the facebook groups that Protongirl mentioned a few posts back, just so you can get a feel for some of the accepted students :)

Good luck with your decision!

Thanks rockkstarr. I'll be sure to do that! =)

I cannot wait to meet my fellow students at accepted students day!! For those of you who can't come I will just have to wait on the pleasure to met you guys until May!! I think it is going to be worth every nail chewed to the stub and every hair that was pulled out. It sounds like we are going to have a great group! Congrats everyone and see you soon!!!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Sooooo, my roommate got accepted today for traditional BSN. She's heading out there end July/beginning of August. Please take care of her. She's awesome. If someone can recommend sites, networking or advice for her please email me via PM directly. Thanks!

Can anyone tell me about joining the Peace Corps if you have private student loans? Is it still possible to join the Peace Corps?

Specializes in emergency.

Peace Corps pays back 15% first year, 15% second year and more if you do a third year. They only pay back Perkins loans and maybe stafford unsubsidized but NOT private ones.

Yes it is still possible but I hear that you need to apply by April 30 to get a spot between now and June 2011. It is a lot more competitive these days. Good luck :-)

The best way to find out the most current info about PC is to get in touch with your local recruiter. Find out on

Is anyone else getting frustrated with not knowing what they are getting in financial aid yet? Payment is due one month before school starts and I still don't know what package I am going to be offered and it is only 56 days before school starts! Oh well....I'll keep waiting.

Jesie, I definitely am! I'm trying to keep my mind off it so I don't obsess, but I think it takes entirely too long. I'm anxious to just get my loans sorted and figure out how to pay already, and I can't do that until I know about the package!

So, you're definitely not alone :)

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