Johns Hopkins BSN/MSN Fall 2010 Anyone?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi all - maybe I am jumping the gun, but has anyone else begun working on their applications for Summer/Fall 2010 admission?

I plan on applying for direct entry to JHU, UCSF, Yale, Columbia, and Vanderbilt. With the exception of UCSF's 9/1 deadline, the rest seem to be due between 11/1 and 12/1. Although UCSF has the closest deadline, I am stressing the most about the essays for JHU. Anyone started them yet?

Also, does anyone plan on attending the open house that JHU is having in September? I would love to go, but I am in California, so I have to decide if it is worth the $$$. I am thinking I might be better off saving the money to fly out for the interview (positive thinking here).

Anyway, I would love to compare notes with anyone applying, or anyone who applied last year.

Thanks and good luck! :D

Global - congrats!

I got in early decision but still haven't heard about the MPH-- hopefully will soon.

So the PC fellowship is the Peace Corps one... what is the Gurtler scholarship?

And an overall congratulations to everyone getting their acceptances! It's so much fun to watch this happen on the board all over again :D

The Gurtler Scholarship is also a PC scholarship. And I second your thought- its been wonderful to have other people with whom to go through this process!

I got the call this morning. I'm in! :)

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Telemetry, Geriatrics.

are these acceptances for just the ABSN/MSN? or for the 13 month ABSN too?

Specializes in emergency.

Congratulations, Abbie Grace & everybody :-)

Starghadeer - I applied for the ABSN/MSN with the PNP track.

Oh, and thanks, Sara! I know that we applied a lot of the same places so I'd love to hear where you end up and what factors are driving your decisions. Hopefully, we'll both end up with a couple great options to pick between!

Specializes in Medical-Surgical, Telemetry, Geriatrics.

CONGRATS to you all! :up:

Got the good call this afternoon after getting the financial aid emails yesterday. A wonderful way to start the weekend. Congrats everyone.

i posted this previously on another hopkins page here but am really curious to different peoples responses and advice. here it is... any thoughts or experience would be greatly appreciated.

i have to say my undergrad record is fairly dismal but it is something i have to carry with me. while in undergrad i worked multiple jobs for more than 60 hours a week the entire time... some of those jobs now look great on an app/resume (managing an educational theatre group for at risk youth, etc). after graduating i then joined peace corps... i was a public health volunteer in kenya for 2 1/2 years.while in peace corps my life changed and i became more focused, i took my gre, did well, returned to the states and recieved my msph in tropical medicine from tulane with a 3.7 and was awarded the tulane 34 award (regarded by the school as its most prestigious award). while at tulane i also was the coordinator for the schools masters international peace corps program and worked at the student health center coordinating public health messages and events for the undergrads. basically i turned my academic career around and grew up. one of my letters of rec is even from the dean.

for the last year i have been living in south sudan working with the carter center on their guinea worm eradication program as well as their trachoma control program (an amazingly educational experience, believe me). even with all of this i am worried that my undergrad record may warp the picture of who i am today. hopkins and nursing is my dream and i hope i can present myself well during the application process. ill be applying ed at the end of this year. (im returning home in july to finish pre-reqs and to apply).

any advice you or anyone else has would be greatly appreciated! while in sudan... i rarely get email and can almost never check these blogs so yeah... i am going to list my email on here... feel free to email me [email protected]

My only advice is to acknowledge your deficits head-on, explain how they have made you a stronger applicant, and then move on to your other strengths. You sound like a strong applicant, other than your undergrad. Since you proved yourself academically as a Graf student, I think you have a good chance.

I had a strong undergrad GPA, but some major (but understandable when looked at in context) blemishes in my first couple years in college. I was tempted to do the bunny rabbit, "hold real still & maybe they won't notice" thing. But, instead I wrote a very direct explaination of why my record had blemishes and how they were the result of circumstances that will make me a great nurse.

There is a delicate balance between acknowledging your weaknesess and dwelling on negatives, but if handled well it can work - at least it did for me!

Good luck!

Thanks for that ray of hope! It has really been stressing me out. Oh how we pay for the sins of our youth!...haha. I can't wait to visit Hopkins when I finally fly home in July to talk and ask them a million questions (Im actually flying in to Hopkins from Sudan... before I even go home).

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