Hi there,
I'm wondering if anyone could give me an update on the job market in the UK? I know that things have been tough with the NHS of late - but are things still as dire on hiring front? (I have searched the posts on here, and have been reading this forum for years - but I haven't seen anything in the last 6 months or so about this topic)
I see a fair few job posts on the NHS jobs website whenever I search - are these actual posts that are intended to be filled? Or are they posted because they legally have to be, but there is no budget to actually fill the positions (this is happening a lot where I work in Canada)
One more question about the NHS job site - are the postings I see ALL the job postings that the NHS has available, or is there a portion of jobs for internal applicants only that I'm not privy to as I'm not working for the NHS? I'm just wondering if the jobs I see posted is a true indication of how many available jobs there are, or if there are more available to those already employed by eh NHS.
I am an RN in Canada with British Citizenship, and would love to move back to England - but I know that conditions and health care are in a bit of an upheaval (as they are here in my neck of the woods)… I don't want to be naive in my decision making, and don't want to go through the costly overseas registration only to get to the UK and be jobless.