JJC Spring 2016

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi all,

Im just wondering if there are any others here that are planning on applying to Joliet Junior College in Illinois for the Spring 2016 start date?

I would definitely think that's good enough! I know that 80 was the guaranteed admission and 79.3 is super close to that! I'd say you have a very good chance :) I got a 74 and everyday is literally a nail biter waiting to hear something. I've been checking my email constantly! Good luck to you!!!

I did speak with the advisor today. She did confirm that emails will be sent out hopefully this week. She said that for the current semester there were 20-30 students that were granted guaranteed admission. She was not sure how many there are for our class yet.

There are 96 students accepted between the day and night program. I believe the night programs accepts 24. Classes will usually start at 4pm if you selected the night program with the exception of some clinical days at the nursing home. Those days would start at 2pm. We are also eligible to test for our LPN license after the first two semesters.

Best at of luck to everyone. Who all has applied for the night program?

Hey guys! Thanks so much for the awesome info, kgibson! I'm excited to hear from them. I applied for the night program but I'm going to try and switch if possible (if I even get in). Something changed at work and mornings will actually be better for me now.

To answer your question, irishgirl, I'm pretty sure you will be just fine with a 79. I know it depends on your prereqs and stuff, though as well. I got an 86, which I really needed since I don't have all the prereqs done. Hopefully we all get in! I'm surprised there aren't more people on this thread by now, so maybe it's a sign that they had fewer applicants this year? Who knows! Best of luck to you all!

That's what I was thinking, too! Wishful thinking, right? :) Hopefully we all hear something by Friday! It's nice to be able to come to a place where everyone is so supportive of each other and striving towards the same goal!

Hi! I applied for Spring 2016. I received above an 80 on my TEAS so hopefully things pan out. I applied for the evening classes. Anyone else apply for evening? Any idea what time the classes run til at night or what days they are? I'm so nervous about the program because I always hear of how many people drop the program due to how difficult it is :(

Hi kgibson982012! I believe I read you applied to the night program. Do you know how they chose who gets night or day?

Yes, I did apply for the evening program. If you got above and 80 you are good. Last semester only 20-30 people that applied got guaranteed admission. We should be getting our emails this week or next week.

As as for as how they choose who gets in which program depends on how you applied (day, prefer day/night but can do the other, or nights). If you scoresd above 80 and selected nights on you application you should have a spot in the night program. They accept 96 students total, with 24 of those being spots in the night program.

As as far as times, the classes will generally start at 4 pm with the exception of clinicals at the nursing home. My advisor said those rotations will usually start at 2 pm so we have adequate time to learn. If you do not have your CNA you will have to take the NURS140, which I do. They try to schedule that class around the same day and time as you theory class.

There will be a registration in maybe November, then they have an orientation and boot camp the week before the semester starts. I'm sorry this was so wordy, but let me know if there are any other questions. I'm tryin to remember without my notes what my advisor told me.

Hope me to see you in class!!

Just met with an adviser today and she gave me some different, but very vague information. However, it didn't seem like she was the most knowledgeable about the admissions process. She said that there were quite a few people this application period that received an 80 or above on the TEAS, which made me a little concerned. However, I checked at the front desk (since they work around the applications a little bit more) and she said there WEREN'T a lot and that those who scored above an 80 should be fine. She basically welcomed me to the program and said "We'll be seeing you soon!"

So I got some confusing info today, but I'm going to listen to what the administrative office said and just hope they knew what they were talking about. It seems to coincide with what you said as well, kgibson!

Also, they are hoping to get the emails out Friday that will tell you whether you need to come in for the essay. If we don't get it Friday, they said we should look for it early next week. Good luck everyone!

Just got the email! I guess we will get another email within two business days explaining our next steps.

I just got the email as well! It told me the same thing!! More waiting for emails! :) At least the initial anticipation is over!!

Received my email as well today! See you ladies/guys soon í ½í¸Š

Oh I just got another email tell me that I've been accepted into the evening program! Yay! I'm going to see if I can possibly switch to the day program, but either way, I'm in! See you ladies next semester! Good luck to all of you still waiting to hear back. I can't wait!

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