Jersey College School of Nursing


I just got accepted into Jersey College which use to be Center for Allied Health and Nursing. I will be attending orientation on Feb 6 and start date on Feb 10. Are any of you enrolled in this school and what are your feelings about the LPN-RN program.

Sorry, I forgot to add..I was from the Teterboro Campus..

Click the link below to see the truth about Jersey College. Jersey College a fraud - YouTube

Specializes in LTC, Med Surg, Renal Care.

I was considering going there for the LPN program. After the financial aid advisor informed me of the $20,000 tuition, I got the hells out of there. Fctc here I come!

@vsnkoolcna :laugh: LML

Specializes in Pediatrics.
Click the link below to see the truth about Jersey College. Jersey College a fraud - YouTube

Is this NJ school your complaining about or the FL school? Just curios because I was inquiring about the NJ school but now I am skeptical.

Is this NJ school your complaining about or the FL school? Just curios because I was inquiring about the NJ school but now I am skeptical.

The thread started off talking about the Jacksonville Campus initially. There were comments in reference to the Jersey location within the thread aswell.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Is this NJ school your complaining about or the FL school? Just curios because I was inquiring about the NJ school but now I am skeptical.

Here's an article about the NJ location

All five campuses follow the same curriculum. All grades get "processed" at the same corporate office. Students scammed by N.J. nursing school?. GOOD LUCK!!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
All five campuses follow the same curriculum. All grades get "processed" at the same corporate office. Students scammed by N.J. nursing school?. GOOD LUCK!!

In NJ I'm surprised the BoN hasn't taken action as exit exams are specifically prohibited from being used as a graduation requirement since at least 2011. The letter is right on the NJBoN website.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

All I can say is WOW I will not even think of trying this school now thanks for the heads up.

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