Jefferson Fact 1 May 2019 Center City

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Everyone!

I've been trying to find a thread for the 2019 Fact in CC, but haven't really found anything so I wanted to start this for prospective students! Has anyone applied and heard back? I completed my application on the 29th and am impatiently waiting! What other schools are you guys applying to?

Specializes in MSN, RN.
I just got accepted today! I was taking a class while I submitted my app and just recently finished it. My transcripts arrived yesterday and I got the acceptance email today. I interviewed three weeks ago for further clarification.

Congrats! I interviewed recently and just waiting to hear back is nerveracking!

Specializes in MSN, RN.

Got my acceptance to Jefferson today! :-D

Me too! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to meet everyone and get this started!

Hey all! I was accepted to the FACT 1 program a little over a month ago but just reading this all now. I am still deciding between here or Pitt. I am out of state and will need housing if anyone knows a good place to live. I also just requested to join the Facebook group! Congrats to all!

Specializes in MSN, RN.
Hey all! I was accepted to the FACT 1 program a little over a month ago but just reading this all now. I am still deciding between here or Pitt. I am out of state and will need housing if anyone knows a good place to live. I also just requested to join the Facebook group! Congrats to all!


Hi everyone,

I have my interview tomorrow, I'm nervous but looking forward to it. It'll be conducted via Skype. Any tips for the writing portion? Also, is anyone else coming from out of state?

Good luck! My interview was over Skype too. It was very laid back and they are super friendly. You will be asked things like why Jeff, why nursing, when dealing with a difficult situation how will you handle that etc. The writing portion is quick also. It will ask you things like what do you think will be challenging about the program and how will you overcome that! Good luck!! I am from out of state too

Has anyone thought of how they'll fund the program since it's a second bachelor degree. How much would we be able to take out in loans

How long did it take you for a respond on acceptance.

Hi everyone,

Did everyone have to fill out the form with their prerequisites? Is this a good sign?

Specializes in MSN, RN.

I did the FAFSA but Jeff won't release the aid estimates yet.

If you don't mind me are you doing anything else other than fafsa

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