Jealous Nurses!!!!!!!!!!!

Nurses General Nursing


Hey everyone

First, Im not in nursing just for the money. I really love helping people. Well I can't be in it just for the money because from what I've read and been hearing, they don't make that much money. That's probably a good thing because then we will have people trying to be a nurse that really don't care about the patients.

I've been hearing a lot of people that work in the healthcare settings say that nurses hate all the physical therapists, speech therapits, pa, occupational therapists and so on. They say the nurses are jealous and mad because they make less money than the above proffesions I just named and they do much more work than they do.

My cousin is a speech therapist and she works at a nursing home. She said that the nurses up there hate her. She's 24 with a masters and the older nurses really hate her. One of the pts up there told her the nurses were mad because she just starting working and makes way more than them who has been there over 30 years.

Many people have been telling me to go to school for something else because nurses don't make much money. I tell them that I really want to be a nurse. I don't care how much they make. I don't think anyone could change my mind. I respect nurses to the fullest and always would.

So is it true that nurses are a little jealous of the PA, PT, OT,etc?

When it all boils down, nurses get the most respect. I love nursing and no one is going to change that!!!!!!!!

Here the wage is the same as speech pathology straight out of school with an RN diploma. Physio makes less, OT I'm not sure.

I find the general public the worst, as they are always complaining about what we earn and don't understand the huge personal sacrifices involved, lost family time, double shifts and OT.

Wow. It has never occurred to me to be jealous, and actually , I have no idea what other professions are paid.

I am usually just so thankful for the PT, Ot and RT people because they actually help me and make my job much easier. Unlike management who just sit around making up things to justify their jobs.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.

Ridiculous. PT/OT, RT, phleobotomists, MDs, are all team members and help me to do my job. Why in the world would I be jealous? I'm grateful they're there!

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