Jacob Rockstar-RN Psych Nurse Action Figure

Specialties Psychiatric

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Psych nurse action figure ?

Haha. You really must lighten up! You'll end up with all sorts of stress-related problems! However, it does surprise me that you are talking about another person. That's unlike you. Perhaps you need to get a life.

As you seem to be into The Lord of the Rings, I can recommend a tour of the film set down here in little New Zealand. It's not far from where I live. My family and I really enjoyed the tour and you can have your picture taken outside many of the doors in The Shire. My kids had their picture taken outside the door of Bilbo Baggins (green round door) and you can visit the Green Dragon Inn for a drink. It's really good and I really recommend it for kids! See we can play nice!!

The Lord of the Ring's movie's, outside of The Fellowship, are a travesty. Read the book's.

I post for fun, remember? No stress here for me. Thanks for your concern, though.

Specializes in Mental Health.
The Lord of the Ring's movie's, outside of The Fellowship, are a travesty. Read the book's.

I post for fun, remember? No stress here for me. Thanks for your concern, though.

Yes, there's always a negative to come from a positive isn't there? Very sad!

Yes, there's always a negative to come from a positive isn't there? Very sad!

I agree. Peter Jackson really dropped the ball with TTT and ROTK. Sad's.


Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

And now, back to our program:

Davey Do said:
I encourage him to make his divine presence known on this thread, but he's too busy out there picking up aluminum cans along the interstate and reading to the hungry!


And now, back to our program:

Atheists= Celiac disease?

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).
Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Ah, but babysitting "sleeping patients" is facilitating the administration of a very important facet of treatment. Since the word patient originates from the latin term to "suffer or bear." you are assuring they get relief from the suffering of being awake; relief from the emotional weight they bear from being awake. If I could sit cross-legged I would have been in that position of meditation while typing this...but I can't anymore. I hope you understand

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

I want to say this in a Man to Man bonding kind of way, Old Dude:

"I love you!"

*Uses Farawyn's descriptive method as he playfully punches Old Dude in the arm, wipes a tear away from his eye, and rides off into the sunset*

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I want to say this in a Man to Man bonding kind of way, Old Dude:

"I love you!"

*Uses Farawyn's descriptive method as he playfully punches Old Dude in the arm, wipes a tear away from his eye, and rides off into the sunset*

I'm with ya man, mutually, Far is gonna give us grief...but that's why we love her :yes:.


Nice cowboy motif!

Davey was dying to break out his assless chaps.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Nice cowboy motif!

Davey was dying to break out his assless chaps.

Of course...but all chaps are assless :). Otherwise they are pants.

Of course...but all chaps are assless :). Otherwise they are pants.

I know.

I just wanted to say assless chaps. :woot:

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