Ivy Tech RN Hopefuls Spring 2021

Nursing Students School Programs


I know it's a little on the early side, but thought it would be nice to start a thread for those of us preparing to apply for the ASN program starting Spring 2021! I'm wrapping up my last co-requisite in the Fall at the Lawrence campus and then will be applying at both the Anderson and Lawrence campus. I'm not sure which to select as first choice as of yet; I'm still doing some research on clinical sites, etc. I'm preparing for the TEAS next week! I'll be glad to get it over with... I've found the Smart Prep package from ATI really helpful ($$, but seems worth it).

Feel free to share any questions or comments, as well as to which campus(es) you are interested in applying to. Happy studying, and good luck to all!

Goodluck! I hope we both are accepted.

Good luck to you as well!

I don’t have facebook, but for those who are in the facebook group- what are the average scores looking like for entrance for Spring 2021? Any for Fort Wayne?

The scores are kind of sporifice at the moment (it seems like people tend to post their scores once the application window closes). For ASN the ranges at the moment, and there really are few, are between mid 120s to upper 140s. There are no scores listed currently for FW at all!

The scores listed from Spring 2020 for FW:

1: 89%, 133.6/160 (ASN/PN)

2: 74.7%, 119.7/160 (ASN/PN) accepted 1st round ASN

3: 80%, 139.09/160 (ASN)

Hope this helps! ☺️

Thanks so much!!

No problem! And good luck! ?

Hey guys! So if accepted into the Spring 2021 class- what is the graduation date if you do the fastest track? I’m trying to do the math. Would it be June 2022?

If your campus offers the Summer, it would be about 18 months long. So if we start January 2021, we would graduate May 2022. I had the same question, so I asked advisors at both Lawrence and Anderson and they both confirmed. Both of those campuses have mandatory Summer sessions.

Hey!! Any update on the Fort Wayne scores on the FB page?! 

we are getting closer!! 

For some reason I wasn't able to respond to this on my phone, so had to hope on my laptop - so sorry about the delay! Believe it or not, there were no additional scores shared for Fort Wayne. It seems like there aren't too many people in the FB group in this particular cohort. There are a lot of scores for Indy and Lake County area.

Less than 10 days now - I'm so excited! It's gone fast and slow at the same time LOL ?

Thanks! And yes, can’t wait!! 

Specializes in Pre-Nursing.

Hey guys, I applied to Indy, Kokomo and Peru (in that order). What do you think my chances are at getting in with a 129 at any of these campuses?Nervous and looking for reassurance. Got an 84.7 on the TEAS but it came out to 84 with the IvyTech point system and 45/60 with the course grade points. 

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