

Leaving I in after discharge

I left an iv in as well. Pt family I was told is filing legal action ,should I consult with a lawyer

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

What is your question? You need to be more specific. Did it happen? Is it a scenario? Are you asking if you can leave it in?

Terry: Keep your mouth shut about the incident. If you have your own , call them. If you don't have insurance, as far as consulting an attorney, we can't give legal advice. But to guide you in making the decision (which I don't think is legal advice, but mods might end up disagreeing, so we'll see if this lasts...)

It's never a bad idea to consult an attorney, just can be a needless expense. Consider where you heard they're filing legal action. If I had a nickel for every family that rambled on about suing, I'd have a lot of nickels and have yet to be actually sued. For what's usually a pretty minor event (I don't know if they just came back to get it out ranging to shot drugs up the IV and overdosed) I wouldn't bother until I as actually served with papers saying I'm being sued. A more severe outcome, I'd probably go ahead and call and get a short consultation just for peace of mind.

What a wasted thread. Seconds of my life I'll never get back :)

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

duplicate thread merged.

We cannot give legal advice as per the Terms of Service. If you have been told this by administration call your or consult an attorney but I would not discuss this on social media.

Specializes in Emergency, Telemetry, Transplant.

If the family is threatening to sue, I would only discuss it with a lawyer.

It depends on the situation: the IV was left in when the patient left, they were called back 20 minutes later, they came back in a hour, the IV was removed without incident--family has no case.

IV was accidentally left in, 2 days later it was still in, removed at PCPs office, no incident...probably no case their either.

IV was left in, it was pulled out (either accidentally or on purpose), pt bled a little bit, bleeding was stopped by family...most likely no case.

IV was left in, pt developed infection at the site...perhaps a case.

Point is...it depends on what you did or didn't do and on what happened to the pt. Only a lawyer can provide you advice and tell you how to best protect yourself (P.S., AllNurses is not that best protection).

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