Published Oct 5, 2005
170 Posts
I have a very sweet little lady who told me yesterday that she is itching like crazy and she thinks she may be itching in her sleep. She said it started after she started TX in our unit. She is an evacuee and we have had her for a week or so. She has no skin rashes or lesions and looking at meds we are not giving her anything new.
Is there any reason she would be itching like this, that we are not thinking of?
jnette, ASN, EMT-I
4,388 Posts
I have a very sweet little lady who told me yesterday that she is itching like crazy and she thinks she may be itching in her sleep. She said it started after she started TX in our unit. She is an evacuee and we have had her for a week or so. She has no skin rashes or lesions and looking at meds we are not giving her anything new.Is there any reason she would be itching like this, that we are not thinking of?
Have you checked her phos. level lately, and compared it to previous levels? Has she had access to and been taking her phos. binders all throughout the evacuation ordeal ?
Perhaps she has been slowy elevating those phos levels and is just now starting to get that teltale itch.
When phosphorus builds up in the body, and can't be eliminated via kidneys/excretion, it has to go SOMEWHERE. So it exits through the pores of the skin... and causes terrible itching.
What about dialyzers? Do you use a different brand than she is used to? What about reuse? Do you do reuse or use disposable dialyzers? These things, too, could make a difference.
nosonew, BSN, RN
142 Posts
If it isn't her phosphorus level, it may be a reaction to her dialyzer. If you use renalin or another cleaning product for your dialyzers.. that could be it. Try no-reuse for a week or so and see how she does. If it improves and her phos level isn't very high... speak with your medical director. Dialyzer reactions aren't pretty and get worse each time.
We did lab work on her on Tuesday and have yet to get it back. This center does not reuse so it isn't that. I am not sure what it is, but I looked at her back tonight and she has definatley been scratching, poor thing.
7 Posts
Common causes of itching could include liver dysfunction. If itching is worse at night, check for rash in webs of fingers (scabies), or maybe psychosomatic secondary to stress. Just some thoughts.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
Chronic elevations of BUN and creat. will also cause immense itching over time.....
Good point!
318 Posts
HAMRSA = phenothiazines, antihistamines
unknown99, BSN, RN
933 Posts
We use Gold Bond lotion for our dialysis patients. While this will not treat the cause, because the cause is usually chronic, it really alleviates the symptoms very well.
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
Waay OT: I know tx means treatment, but every time I see the title of this thread, I think "Itching after TEXAS????"
Now back to your regularly scheduled discussion. sorry