Published Aug 26, 2005
lpnstudentin2010, LPN
1,318 Posts
is there anything i can do to decrease iching under a bandage that is to help decrease swelling in my face after reconstructive surgery? My head is itching like crazy and i am having it on for almost another week!
Katnip, RN
2,904 Posts
Have you tried Benadryl? First check with your doc to make sure it's not contraindicated with anything you're already taking.
302 Posts
Please call your physician and let him know that the itching is that intense. Perhaps he/she can prescribe you something. Be Careful, we are not really allowed to give "medical advice" on this forum, so I don't know how many responses you will get. Your best bet is to let your doctor know. Sorry, that your face is itching so badly!
rn/writer, RN
9 Articles; 4,168 Posts
Benadryl is a good suggestion. And you can try to "distract" the nerves with other sensations. Cold sometimes works and might have the additional benefit of reducing swelling. You could try heat, but I would use it sparingly as it might aggravate the swelling. You might also use a vibrator or try tapping the itchy areas. This might sound silly, but loud music through headphones held against the offending areas can sometimes create enough of a vibration to work.
The theory behind all of these suggestions is that nerves can only transmit so much information at one time. If the pathways are already occupied with sound, temperature, or motion information, the itch message doesn't get through so easily.
I wish you well.
475 Posts
I hear that Preparation H hemerrhoid cream is helpful for itching.
well the bandage just came off at the dr. office and he said it had been to tight. it had even made the area all red. so thanks all.
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
Please remember: this is not a medical advice bulletin board.
This is a board for nurses and nurses-to-be to discuss primarily nursing issues. This is not a free medical advice board. Please be aware that cannot be responsible for problems resulting from reliance on medical or nursing advice received here. If you have a medical problem, please seek attention from your health care provider."