Updated: Feb 22, 2020 Published Oct 14, 2015
Joe V
7 Articles; 2,561 Posts
Nurses do not care for the patients in order to receive a thank you. We tirelessly provide the best possible care day after day, night after night without dwelling on our needs or thinking if our patients are grateful or not. But, when out of the blue a patient says, "Thank you", it can be the one thing that boosts our spirits and energizes us to persevere. So, let me say right now, from the bottom of my heart ... THANK YOU, NURSES!
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
This reminds me of my 95-year-old resident who has been deceased for the past 8 years. When I was a newly minted LVN in 2006, she told me, "I love you for all that you do for me." I will never forget her gratitude for as long as I'm a nurse.
2,107 Posts
I was going to crack a joke, but you've got me all misty-eyed, TheCommuter. Thank you.
QuoteI was going to crack a joke
Well, crack the joke! The world continues to go 'round when we contribute all types of content, whether it is good, serious, funny, lighthearted, or sad.
Go ahead. Speak or forever hold your peace. ?
636 Posts
It feels good when a patient in a nursing home says thank you also. Some residents talk to you like a personal slave even though you have ten other residents to take care of. So it makes you feel good when a patient actually appreciates it.
247 Posts
When I packed up my desk after retiring from my last RN/PHN job as a case manager, many papers hit the recycle bin. However, I saved the handwritten thank you notes and was surprised at how many I actually had. I treasure the thank you notes. Some are perfectly written and some are printed like a third grader. I enjoy them all.
sarah_smile, BSN, RN
28 Posts
I'm a new grad of about 6 months. I work in an ICU and the other night, my patient was detoxing from
Alcohol, and craving a smoke pretty bad. I educated him on smoking and alcohol cessation from an area deep within me that can relate to his situation, as I used to smoke and drink. Bringing myself down to a pit where he was instead of berating him proved successful, if even for a few moments. He grabbed my arm as I walked out of the room and said, "hey, thank you. You are a REALLY good nurse." Such a small statement, but I will forever carry that feeling with me. [emoji4]
11 Posts
It's quite a beautiful experience, to read what so many nurses have shared, unabashedly, on these pages re: patient's expressions of appreciation.
I wanted to share a post (to show that there are many others on your side) from 1999 by Joevarn who probably retired in 2014, the content is self=explanatory, the effort an illustration of a person's participation, albeit unrealized, in changing the status quo... if only he had 1,000 clones Nuring would have become a joyous professon again, as it apparently was 60 years ago when two RH's saved my sanity and physical well being with their laughter, smiles, candy and, yes, motherly affection. To me Nurses and Gramms are Angels ... That is the not so humble opinion of the author of this post, Jim Harmon..
September 22, 1999
All Department of Veterans Affairs Nurses
Attention: Title 38 Nurses
An open letter to all Department of Veterans Affairs Nurses,
Subject:Senate Bill S.1399 H.R. 1216
To All Department of Veterans Nurses:
Please write or call your local representatives and encourage them to support this Bill
As submitted by:
Rep LaTourette, Steve C H.R. 1216 and Senator Mike DeWine S.1399Department of Veterans Affairs Nurses Appreciation Act of 1999 (Introduced in the House)
To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide that pay adjustments for nurses and certain other health-care professionals employed by the Department of Veterans Affairs shall be made in the same manner as is applicable to Federal employees generally and to revise the authority for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make further locality pay adjustments for those employees.
This Bill would stop the Salary injustices that have taken place throughout the system
And allow the Department to retain and recruit a quality workforce that will insure that Veterans get the best care possible.
Thank you, Joseph Amenita
Registered Nurse