Published Oct 7, 2013
1 Post
First off, I am new to so if this is supposed to be filed under something else, I apologize. But I spent an incredible amount of time researching this program and it appeared this website is filled with those who have questions as well.
I am a current LPN student from Illinois trying to get as many classes out of the way by credit by exam before I finish LPN so I can go right into phase 2 as soon as I complete LPN September 2014.
ISU: More Recent:
& Accepted by ISU:
Every Course in the program can be placed into 5 categories: ( )=# of Courses
1) Phase 1: Foundational Studies (9): credit by exam-before applying
2) Phase 2-3: Cognate Classes (13): credit by exam-before grad/phase 3 End
3) Phase 2: Nursing Pre-Requisites (4)
4) Phase 3: Baccalaureate Nursing-Conditional (2)
5) Phase 3: Baccalaureate Nursing-Formal (9)
The First 2 Categories can all be tested out of: which I most definitely recommend considering it's a lot of money and time saved. A LOT. But if for whatever reason, you prefer to take an actual class for credit instead- I am sure you could get them at your community college.
But no matter what you do ALWAYS check with ISU first.
TCN-CLM: The College Network-Comprehensive Study Modules are not NECESSARY OR REQUIRED to pass these exams-especially if you are a very individual works at your own pace-teach yourself kind of student. (Actually this program is BEST for those teach yourself students or LPNs that are working and can't afford the time for traditional schooling) That being said they are the only ones with study guides manuals made specifically for these exams and are recommended by ISU. Pretty much everything you will need will be in there including all the answers. Basically, if you use to TCN Modules you take the guess work out of what to study and it's a fool proof guarantee you will pass. (unless you're just straight slacking)
Exams they accept (for sure and will cover all classes-Others may be available)
Exam by Credit
-All you ever pay is the price for the exam. The common prices per exam I've seen are $85, $95 and $395 (very few) + Proctoring Fee ($15-25) Sounds expensive- but definitely way better than the average $700 per course you would pay otherwise.
Category 1-Phase 1-foundational studies: Must Have these done to even apply.
So get these out of the way as soon as possible. Everything you need to know:
Phase 1-Foundational Studies (Lower Division)-25 Credits (9)
1) ENG 107: Rhetoric and Writing -[3 Credits]
2) PSYCH 101:General Psych: Understanding Human Behavior [3 Credits]
3) COMM 101:Intro to Speech Communications [3 Credits]
4) MATH 102:Quantitative Literacy [3 Credits]
5) CHEM: 100/L: Chem Reactions & Reasons with Lab [3 Credits]
6) BIO 274/L: Intro to Microbiology & Lab [3 Credits]
7) ATTR 210/L or BIO 231/L: Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 with Lab [3 Credits]
8) PE 220/L or BIO 241/L: Human Anatomy & Physiology 2 with Lab [3 Credits]
9) Info Tech Literacy Course [? Credits]
ALTERNATIVES: Phase 1-Foundational Studies 25 Credits (9)
Many of them have multiple alternatives (as in perhaps both CLEP & DSST will offer exams that counts as credit toward the same class. I'll try to put down as much as I can The underlined one will be the one I have taken/will be taking because it appeared to be the best choice (cheaper/easier/access to prep materials) For details- Email me. I'd like to keep this as short as possible
1) ENG 107: Rhetoric and Writing
ACE: ENGL 101/ENGL150/ENGL 151 = [not 100%]
***The English Pre-Req is confusing because it used to be Eng 101 and 105. (English 1 & 2) Now they made it just 1 class and are specific to the point only ACE offers it. The most recent course listing I found:
3) PSYCH 101:General Psych: Understanding Human Behavior
AP: Psychology
CLEP: Intro to Psych
EXCELSIOR: Intro to Psych
4) COMM 101:Intro to Speech Communications
DSST: Principles of Public Speaking
EXCELSIOR: Interpersonal Communications
5) MATH 102:
EXCELSIOR: Quantitative Analysis
6) CHEM: 100/L:
AP: Chemistry
CLEP: Chemistry
7) BIO 274/L:
EXCELSIOR: Microbiology
8) ATTR 210/L or BIO 231/L:
9) PE 220/L or BIO 241/L:
??? -I took it during LPN
10) Info Tech Literacy Course
AP: Computer Science A [not 100%]
CLEP: Information Systems and Computer Applications
DSST: Intro to Computing
EXCELSIOR: Workplace communications with computers [not 100%]
Phase 2-3: Cognate Classes (13): credit by exam-before grad/phase 3 End
-Finish Phase 2 First. Even though they are Credit by exam, only due by grad
1) Historical Studies
2) Foreign Language 1
3) Foreign Language 2
4) Intro to Sociology
5) Developmental Psychology
6) Literary Studies
7) Physical Education
8) English Advanced Writing:
9) Global Perspective/Cultural Diversity
10) Biostatisitics
11) Pathophysiology
12) Fine & Performing Arts
13) Ethics and Social Responsibility
1) Historical Studies:
AP: U.S -I'm sure they accept others but they counted this one
CLEP: U.S History 1-Again I'm sure they may accept others
DSST: Multiple Choices
Excelsior: Multiple Options
HIGH SCHOOL TRANSFER: Exempt if you get C or about for 4 High school semesters
AP: Either AP Spanish (Language or Literature)
CLEP: They accept it despite the website showing a black line
Excelsior: Spanish Language
CLEP: Intro to Soc:
EXCELSIOR: Intro to Soc:
CLEP: Human Growth & Development
DSST: Life-Span Developmental Psychology
EXCELSIOR: Life-Span Developmental Psychology
CLEP: Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
DSST: Here's to your health
8) English Advanced Writing
DSST: Technical Writing
9)Global Perspective/Cultural Diversity
DSST: World Religions
EXCELSIOR: Statistics
EXCELSIOR: Pathophysiology
EXCELSIOR: Intro to Music
DSST: Ethics in America
EXCELSIOR: Ethics:Theory& Practice/ Bioethics: Philosophical issues/Business Ethics
***Extra Hours:If you get more credits than you need in any one region, they will count as credit even though they don't count as a course to reach the 120 credit graduation requirement. I have an extra 3 from Historical studies. I had credit for 2 AP History classes: U.S and Euro. They used my U.S to test me out of Historical studies. Then they used the other 3 as "Extra hours" Same applies if the Exam is worth more than what is required. I have an extra 3 from Literary Studies because ISU only requires 3 credit and "Analyzing & Interpreting Literature" Exam gives me 6. The leftover 3 will also be added to my extra hours.
I'll continue on another post for Phase 2 and Phase 3 if someone requests it. Other than that I hope this was helpful and good luck to all of you :)
132 Posts
Ok, I hear you loud and clear! I think.....! Lol. I have been trying to sit for my first exam with College network. So what part in the modules did you use to hell you pass the exams. Did you just use the questions in the back? Not trying to sound stupid but please explain! Message me [email protected] or just reply. Please. I'm serious about my nursing career and willing to take any and all advice.
253 Posts
Hi, when the program was in CA they did accept classes from straighterline.....not sure if that helps
19 Posts
Theone40, did you ever use StraighterLine? I looked at their website briefly, and it looks interesting. Can you share any more details on that, or is it just something you remember hearing somewhere along the line?
Thank you for researching all of that information! Wow, quite a good job you did.
I'm just about to start the application process with ISU. Do you know how much they charge for their exams?
Just to clarify. ISU does not "recommend" the products from the College Network. It seems more likely that they have a reluctant relationship with them, because College Network is more of an aggressive marketing company that recruits and funnels students into the ISU programs.
If you speak with ISU on the phone, sometimes they will be honest and tell you that the books from the College Network are not needed. And those books / online courses are extremely expensive.
You can get a lot of the College Network courses on Ebay for around $35.
You can go directly to CLEP, and get their ebooks for only $10. That beats paying $500 to $1000 to the College Network.
Also, if you do a search here on, you will find a number of people who post comments saying that the course materials from the College Network did not really fully prepare them for the exams that they had to take! The College Network basically purchased the materials from other companies, and then paraphrased them to crank out their own materials.
They take advantage of people who have not done their due diligence and simply taken a few minutes to research the College Network in Google and see for themselves all of the bad comments posted about them. Tons and tons of posts. Countless people complaining how the College Network conned them and scammed them.
Always perform your due diligence. Google makes that so easy!
When ISU was in CA i called ISU i believe the transfer center and they infored me they would take ACE accredited classes. I had planned on taking the classes with SL and the have ACE transcribe them and send to ISU.
2 Posts
Thank you so much!
29 Posts
I would love to see your phase 2 and 3
FancyLexRN, ASN, LPN, RN
26 Posts
I'd love to see the phase 2 & 3 as well!! Im also curious as to how you were able to sum this all up? When I contact ISU to see which courses can be tested out and with what specific exams and companies, they tell me a general answer like "Yes, all our courses can be tested out for credit". I'd hate to complete the wrong exam for a specific course, I am in need of all nursing prereqs!
13 Posts
I cannot THANK you enough for posting this! Wow! Everything is laid out in an easy to read and understand format. A bazillion thanks for doing this!!!!!
278 Posts
Thank you! \o/