Is it too risky to withdraw my approved UTA nursing application?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am hoping you smart and knowledgable ladies can help me with a dilemma. I am at a crossroad and do not which road to travel.

I've been accepted to start UTA this Fall. I am considering withdrawing my application, and then reapplying to UTA and also apply to TWU's nursing program for Spring 2014 admission.

Here is my situation:

  • I have 3 kiddos: 1 is transferring to TSU San Marcos as a sophmore this fall, one is beginning kindergarten this fall, and the other is 3.5 yo.
  • To attend UTA this fall I must complete tech writing, college algebra, pharm, patho, and intro to nursing. This is a lot! (currently I'm taking 5 classes, but no science/med classes)
  • I am currently a 4.0 student with an 93.5% HESI score. I should keep that GPA after this semester, but possibly drop it with one B grade.
  • My apprehension stems from feeling like the summer courses (with kids home and out of school) will be very stressful. I've been operating under school stress for 2 years now. Is it wise to begin nursing school already partially fryed? Does this even matter?
  • I also love TWU's campus and UTA's campus is great, too. I'm not opposed attending either school.
  • If I do reapply to UTA, I would have to take pharm, patho, and intro to nursing this fall since they have to be completed before starting UTA's program (if admitted). These classes would most likely not be transferrable to TWU from what I've been told, although it is being looked into. That would be problematic if I end up attending TWU Spring 2014.

Any words of advice? I would also love to hear from those of you who have, or are attending UTA's & TWU's nursing program, and your pros/cons about the school.

Thank you all!!

If you have been accepted I think you should just go and start in the fall. I have a kindergardener and a 2.5 year old so I understand what you mean about the summer courses and having your children at home, it will be hectic. How ever I think being accepted is a great accomplishment and you should take it!

I think it would be unlikely to complete all of those classes during summer with kiddos at home. You are looking at 16-18 credit hours! I am actually surprised they accepted you with all those classes to complete. Are you entering the AP program or traditional? You can also go to the college forum and post under UTA's section and ask what people think about these classes. Most people have said that Patho and Pharm are challenging and time consuming! I think these are 2 very important classes for doing well in nursing school too. This is a full semester or two worth of classes in 2 months?! The pros of TWU is that they have shorter more manageable days than UTA's accelerated program and need less classes for entry into the program. If it were me I would take whatever would transfer to TWU over the summer, and save the UTA only classes for the Fall with entry in the Spring.

You can also ask under UTAs forum if withdrawing an application would be against you, although I don't think it will. You have good stats!

I do think it will matter if you don't have time to recuperate before nursing school!!!

could you possible take the writing and math course online? that would help with some of the stress of the course load over the summer.

I can take technical writing & college algebra in concurrent 3-week courses. A few days after those end, I would take pharm & patho concurrently as online 11-wk courses. A few days after those end, I would take intro to nursing as a 5-wk M-Th course. Then I believe it is one week off before the fall semester begins. Whew!

Mimi - your summer schedule appears do-able if you're not working too. Your two youngest kids are too small to know that summer = vacation . You are the only one who will think it's time for vacation but it is time for you to work on school instead. You can power through it and start as scheduled. Mentally, take breaks so that you aren't fried when nursing school starts. My advice is to hire a "mother's helper" (or use your college kid if s/he doesn't have a job) to fix lunch, take the two little kids to the park, to the swim club, to do laundry etc., while you study. It may help you keep your sanity and enjoy your kids too! Good luck!

Love your perspective! Thank you MierKat!

Yikes! You've got your hands full. I don't see how you can do it. But as someone that did not get in to UTA this fall and very desperate to do so, I would have a hard time turning it down. Good luck with making your decision.

The only problem I see is that if you do not withdrawal and cannot complete all the courses and pass them, then no one will be allowed to fill that spot since they don't fill spots after orientation. I also was accepted and, if in your situation, would accept and make sure everything was done and passed. My reason is because my husband and I are both ready for me to get back to work. You need to think about your 'why' and determine if you can wait an extra semester; with your grades I don't think it would hurt you getting accepted a second time.

I would withdraw & push it back one semester. Spend the fall completing all those courses (take a couple in the summer too). It does not push you back far either.

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