Is is possible to overcome attendance problems...


or should I just find another job?

I ask this after a really stressfull year healthwise. I've been hospitalized for severe dehydration, bronchitis where I was coughing up blood clots and at one point they thought I had a PE, migraines, kidney stones (I've passed them 3 times in the past yr!), cholecystitis, and, recently, appendicitis!

I've been made to sign a written warning regarding my attendance last week. As if my job as an RN isn't stressful enough, I now have the pressure NOT to miss a day of work hanging over me daily.

I'm just wondering....have any of you overcome issues like this? I have to meet with my nursing supervisor tomorrow, and I'm wondering how do I approach this with her? I want to know frankly if my job is in jeapordy, if I should start looking for another one right away or what? I was told that in the state of CA they can't hold it against you attendance-wise if you call in for a child being sick- Does anyone know if this is true?

I'm really anxious at this point. I've worked here for 2 yrs, and need to know if I should just call it quits and start fresh or what I can say to management to feel out the situation, and whether it's workable or not???

Please, any input is appreciated! Thanks so much.

Originally posted by 3rdShiftGuy

...Changing jobs isn't going to fix your problem, as you will take your health problems with you...

And you will not be eligible for/have protection under FMLA until you have been at the new job for 12 months (and worked a minimum number of hours).

Ok ya'll...what the heck is FMLA?

Was wondering the same thing.

Family Medical Leave Act

Family Medical Leave Act

Signed by Clinton in 1993.

Applies to employers who employ 50 or more employees. The law requires covered employers to provide eligible employees UNPAID family and medical care leaves of up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period. Such leaves may be used to care for a newborn, adopted or foster child, as well as a child, spouse, or parent who suffers from a serious health conditon. Eligible employees may also take leaves if a serious health condition prevents them from performing one or more of the essential functions of their own job.

Eligible employees must have at least 12 months of service, must have worked at least 1,250 hours of service during the 12-month period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave, and must be employed at a worksite within 75 miles of which the employer employs 50 or more employees. Employees must also satisfy the ADVANCE notification and medical certification requirements.

ahhhhhh ok...thanks ya'll :)

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