or should I just find another job?
I ask this after a really stressfull year healthwise. I've been hospitalized for severe dehydration, bronchitis where I was coughing up blood clots and at one point they thought I had a PE, migraines, kidney stones (I've passed them 3 times in the past yr!), cholecystitis, and, recently, appendicitis!
I've been made to sign a written warning regarding my attendance last week. As if my job as an RN isn't stressful enough, I now have the pressure NOT to miss a day of work hanging over me daily.
I'm just wondering....have any of you overcome issues like this? I have to meet with my nursing supervisor tomorrow, and I'm wondering how do I approach this with her? I want to know frankly if my job is in jeapordy, if I should start looking for another one right away or what? I was told that in the state of CA they can't hold it against you attendance-wise if you call in for a child being sick- Does anyone know if this is true?
I'm really anxious at this point. I've worked here for 2 yrs, and need to know if I should just call it quits and start fresh or what I can say to management to feel out the situation, and whether it's workable or not???
Please, any input is appreciated! Thanks so much.