Is nursing my path? I need advice


:uhoh21: I'm new here so I apologize first for any obvious mistakes I'm making...

Here is my dilema:

I have finally decided (I'm 22) that I would like to go into Nursing. I am attending my community college and will be on the waiting list in a couple months. I called a Nursing home and they offer STNA classes w\o signing a contract and the classes are free. It sounds like a great opportunity for me to make myself more valuable and to find out if I want to go into Nursing.

My fear is that I will quit my job (which pays very well but is very boring) and attend this two week course and find out that nursing is not for me, & then be out of a job and now back at square one not knowing what career I want to go into & jobless!

I guess my question is, how did you know that you wanted to be a Nurse? Does this sound like an opportunity that you would go for? Is cleaning people's bum and carrying them to that bathroom & dealing with the stubborness of both them and the frustrations with the job worth it at the end of the day?? I believe my heart would be in Nursing, I'm just scared to lose my job and find that its not for me!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this & respond!!! I appreciate it more than words can say!!

God Bless,


Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I think you are asking a very good question. Perhaps it would be better to keep your better paying job and find some other ways to explore nursing a little more. You could start by volunteering at a local hospital or other facility to see how you feel about being around sick people and in the health care environment. It would also give you a chance to meet some nurses and talk with them about their work etc. while still getting that decent paycheck.

Also remember that the different specialties within nursing are very different from each other. It is very possible that you might hate one type of nursing and yet absolutely love another. To base your career decision on your reactions to one type of nursing only is pretty risky. For that reason, I would recommend volunteering for a hospital in which you would get to see lots of different areas and types of nursing ... also seeing nurses in different types of roles. While many people like working in nursing homes, many people do not -- and you shouldn't use that one type of nursing to make your decision.

Then at some point, you are simply going to have to make a decision and take a risk. If it doesn't work out, you will survive. But if you are forever afraid to take the risk of trying it out, you will be taking the other risk that it was right for you and you missed your opportunity. Sometimes you just have to be brave and "go for it."

Good luck,


I took a CNA course on a Saturday - 8 hours every Saturday for a semester. Enabled me to keep my job - and satisfy a pre-req. Pay the money if needed - it isn't that much.

Specializes in Multiple.
I guess my question is, how did you know that you wanted to be a Nurse? Does this sound like an opportunity that you would go for? Is cleaning people's bum and carrying them to that bathroom & dealing with the stubborness of both them and the frustrations with the job worth it at the end of the day?? I believe my heart would be in Nursing, I'm just scared to lose my job and find that its not for me!

There are the downsides to any job, but there are up sides too - the smile and thanks you get, the moments holding a dying person's hand, knowing how priviedged you are to be in that role, seeing a sore heal and knowing that it is your care that has assisted it to heal - loads of positive points...

Like the others have said, you need to try and volunteer or even work in a role in your vacation time to see - if you are in a well paid job it would be silly to leave it unless you are 100% sure...

Is it best to become a CNA or shadow or volunteer?

I want to know if nursing is really for me

I dont know how to go about shadowing or volunteering

There is absolutely no better way to tell if nursing is for you. CNA starts you at the bottom of the heap. You can't get lower! If you can hack that and find great enjoyment doing those basic tasks, you know nursing is for you. I earn 6 figures at my current job, but when I found that CNA tasks were more enjoyable - I knew I was on to the right thing. I start nursing school this summer!

Specializes in Psych, Med/Surg, LTC.

If it were me, I wouldn't leave my boring well paying job. Nursing school and working as a CNA are both very stressful. Atleast you will sort of have a "break" if your current job is boring. I agree w/ other posters to try and find some volunteer work in a hospital, or pay for a CNA course out of pocket and then work per diem or prn. If you worked as a CNA, you would never get away from nursing while in school. You would eat, breathe, and sleep nursing. I think having a boring job doing something else may help you to destress. You will be doing clinicals in no time in school and that would tell you really fast if you wanted to be a nurse or not. Working as a CNA will make certain things easier in school, but it is not necessary. Good luck in nursing school. Let us know what you decide.

I've been a nurse for a year now and can tell you that even if you do decide to go to school, there will be days when you really question your sanity & wonder what the heck ever possessed you to become a nurse! :selfbonk: I don't really think that any of us can give you a true idea of what it is like to be a nurse b/c it is such an all-encompassing career. And as posted before, there are so many different roads that you can take once you have that piece of paper in hand. Nursing is A LOT more than wiping butts, but that is certainly in the job description! You're a healer, a confidant, a problem solver, an advocate, a supervisor, a pharamacist, the doctor's eyes, a shoulder to cry on, a motivator...that's just the tip of it! I think of it as a craft and something far beyond what you do with your hands. Nursing is very hard work both physically and emotionally, and there are no easy nursing jobs. Nursing school is not easy and takes tremendous commitment and motivation. A nurse once told me before I went into nursing school that if I was doing it for the money, don't do it b/c you'll never truly get compensated enough for how hard you work...and that's been very true. It's a comfortable living for sure, even just out of school w/o experience, but it's not easy money!

I say these things not to discourage you but to be honest with your research first...if you have friends or friends of your family who are nurses, ask to shadow them one day, one FULL 12-15 hour day. I agree that it wouldn't be wise to quit your job now until you're absolutely positive.

Good luck!

I have been a nurse for a very long time. I am attending my Masters/ DNS courses now.

Advise? Do not attempt a CNA (STNA) position if you want to possibly change to a nursing professional career. I suggest you speak to a representative at a local school which has BSN courses to talk to nursing students and educators. Also I would suggest asking to see if you could shadow a nurse at a learning hospital. (Your chances may be alittle better of actually being able to shadow).

Question - Why do you want to become a nurse? What about the position appeals to you? What do you think nurses do? What would be your ideal nursing job?

WE NEED NURSES! There is a huge shortage! But - only if it is the "right" decision for you. There are fantastic programs out there! Have you attended college before? There are bridge programs available... But again - only if the profession seems to be a fit for you. It is much more than changing attends and passing pills - as you can see on this board- the potential professional possiblities are endless.

I just wanted to quickly thank EVERYONE for all of the advise... I am still contemplating what my decision is going to be. I have a lot of questions that need to be answered before I know what my path really needs to be. I really do appreciate all of your advise and am taking it very close to heart to help me with my decision! Thank you again!!!

God Bless,


how can you shadow a nurse in the age of HIPPPA??? this really puzzles me... do any hospitals let you do this?

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