Published May 6, 2012
Hotfornursing, RN
72 Posts
Is it normal in HH for one nurse to be drawing up AM & PM meds for a 14 day period...there are other nurses who also work in this home and admin these meds...just curious.
7,098 Posts
It is not normal in my experience, but just recently someone else posted with the same issue. I don't believe it is good practice to give a med someone else drew up. If there is a limited amount of the med, it puts us in the difficult position of either doing that or possibly facing a missed dose.
Here is that thread - not every reply will be applicable but it will give you a broader range of opinions + hopefully more HH nurses will reply here, too.
38,333 Posts
Not normal. Do not administer a med that you have not drawn up, or otherwise prepared, yourself. I have been to homes where the patient's family member insisted on doing that and told me the other nurses had no problems with the practice. I told her why I could not do that. Spoke with the DPCS, who reaffirmed that you don't give something you didn't prepare. How do you know what is really in that syringe or container if you didn't put it there yourself?
849 Posts
I agree completely that no one should administer medication that has been drawn up by another especially if the administering person did not witness the medication being drawn up. If I'm not mistaken we were taught this was a major NO in nursing school. Never give in when you are told that others do it this way or that way.
Thanks for all the great advice. I have since requested to be removed from this home asap, as this was the issue. Within the last month there had been problems with finding AM meds in my PM tub, two 10ml of keppra, when my dose is 12.5 ml, and missing parts to the supposed replacement suction equiptment that the day nurse changed out. I had voiced my concerns to my manager and worked my last day in that home this past Saturday, so relieved to be outta there. The other nurse was really ticked that I went to the manager with my concerns, so now the day nurse has label me a back stabber and a tattletale, but ask me if I care...its MY license!!!