Is an iMac necessary for CRNA school?

Nursing Students SRNA


Specializes in ICU.

Is an iMac worth the investment for CRNA school, the first year is online. I currently have a MacBook Air and iPad Air. 

Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.

I'm not a CRNA student, but here's my opinion

There are plenty of people that manage online college with just a laptop or laptop/iPad.  For me, I can't imaging going back and not having my desktop with multiple displays available for when I needed to get into serious prior online schoolwork. 

I don't think you need an iMac, any windows desktop will be fine, just get something that has or will support multiple monitors.  

Specializes in ICU.

Thank you for your input ?

Specializes in Dialysis.
FiremedicMike said:

I don't think you need an iMac, any windows desktop will be fine, just get something that has or will support multiple monitors.  

100%  I teach classes (not nursing) and this is a must. I can look at different things on 1 screen while preparing my slides/lecture/video on the other screen/s. Brand doesn't matter, but you may want an iMac to keep up with your other apple items for a smooth flow between programs


I'm not a CRNA but I work for an anesthesiology firm that serves as a clinical site for SRNA's and I help with getting resident physicians and SRNAs integrated into our team. If you're looking into tech, consider an iPad or some sort of tablet. Our firm uses a mobile app for charting and it requires the use of a tablet. The firm does keep tablets on hand at our client hospitals and outpatient centers but they are preferentially for our docs and CRNAs. SRNAs are expected to bring their own or use whatever extras are available after the CRNAs and physicians pick up theirs.

ETA: missed the part where you already have a tablet LOL. iMac seems like a good complement to the set if you're willing to invest. My colleague in admin with the firm swears by his. 7 years running and hasn't slowed down yet!

Specializes in SRNA.

Hey! I started my program with my MacBook and my iPad Pro, but honestly having a third large display is a lifesaver when it comes to writing papers and organizing all the content you'll be using along the way, especially since most of your textbook resources are electronic now.  My husband gave me an extra display he had and I just use it to plug into my Mac via a USB-C.  So you might consider just getting an inexpensive display to do that.   It seemed excessive to me, but I find it invaluable.  Good luck!

You didn't ask, but let me tell you about other free or inexpensive applications that have worked for me to organize PDF textbooks and lecture slides/notes: Notability (for lecture content/notetaking, drawing anything), Flexcil (used for my PDF textbook and journal article library), and I use Evernote to organize all of my assignment to-dos and weekly to-do list.

Specializes in oncology.
Hoosier_RN said:

100%  I teach classes (not nursing) and this is a must. I can look at different things on 1 screen while preparing my slides/lecture/video on the other screen/s

I am not looking for nursing classes but you have my piqued my interest in online courses. Since Covid I always have an  online course scheduled for at least one day a week. I always look for an engaging teacher and a diverse subject to learn. I have sat on my porch listening and learning about something in London. 

Specializes in Dialysis.
londonflo said:

I am not looking for nursing classes but you have my piqued my interest in online courses. Since Covid I always have an  online course scheduled for at least one day a week. I always look for an engaging teacher and a diverse subject to learn. I have sat on my porch listening and learning about something in London. 

I teach various crafting classes online through various forums. Nothing fancy, but it brings in a few extra dollars and I enjoy the things I teach. I generally do small segments that add to materials being taught in a formal environment 

Specializes in ICU.

Thank you all for your helpful feedback ?

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