Is FNP alway post-MSN?



I am a healthcare worker/non-nurse researching direct entry programs for nurse practitioners.

If I would like to become a FNP, is that always a separate program after a masters is completed?

That has been the case with all the programs that I have researched thus far....MSN, a year working as a nurse and then FNP.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Specializes in ER/Tele, Med-Surg, Faculty, Urgent Care.

No you can get an MSN and do your FNP at the same time.

Lots of schools offer MSN FNP programs (initial MSNs, not post-Master's). If you want to be an FNP, there's no need to do a different MSN first.

Specializes in ER.

Well, direct entry MSNs are hard to find for RNs and finding the ones for direct entry NP is harder when comparing the amount of MSNs available. They do exist though but it may not necessarily be anywhere close to where you live due to the smaller number of programs.

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2015 listing of Schools Offering Entry-Level or 2nd Degree Master's Programs.

Thanks! Yeah, I live in Atlanta, but I am open to moving wherever if that's what needs to happen.

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