Published Dec 28, 2007
3 Posts
I would like to become a nurse anesthetist, but I'm 51 years old. I have a good GPA, and think I could do it, but maybe the schools would think I'm too old ?!
8 Posts
I'm 51 and just finished my first semester and I love it. I don' think my age was a disadvantage in any respect. I wouldn't want to look back and have regrets for not doing what I really wanted to do.
33 Posts
I am 45 and figure I would hate to be 51 and have not tried. My point is if you plan to work until you are in your mid 60's you could do it part time and have it "supplement your social security". I have two interviews and hope to start next fall. Go for it.
126 Posts
CRNA programs don't discriminate based upon age. I would think that your odds of getting in are better than those of someone half your age. Go for it...good luck!!
521 Posts
I'm 42 and one of my interviewers referred to me as a youngster! So I'm pretty sure you'll be fine!
22 Posts
One of my dad's friends was 52 when he started anesthesia school, so go for it!
24 Posts
It's always possible to follow your heart. If anesthesia is where your heart is, I say go for it.
Good luck
188 Posts
Check out this link. He's 51 and just passed boards, it can be done.
111 Posts
Here is a copy of what was said on the link above, in case you don't want to redirect away from the page:
"Well it has been a long 2 and 1/2 years coming but I passed as of yesterday woohoo. All of you older guys and gals that think late forties are to late think again. I am 51 years old and glad to have done the program at such an excellant school. The test cut off at 100 and to me was very obscure but none the less I have that coveted little card and those great four little initials. Good luck students this is a great profession to be in. GC CRNA!!!!! yea"