Published Apr 26, 2021
19 Posts
I am curious to know if it is appropriate to email the manager of the department I applied to. I work within the same hospital that I applied. I work inpatient but the job I applied to is an outpatient clinic. I have never spoken to nor met the clinic manager. However, I have heard or inpatient nurses emailing other inpatient managers to introduce themselves and share they are interested in working that particular other floor.
Thanks for your input in advance.
SilverBells, BSN
1,108 Posts
If it's a job that you are very interested in, I don't see how it would hurt? It may make you stand out as a candidate that personally took the time to show interest and increase your chances of being noticed. In the past, I've actually done this myself for a couple of positions I was interested in. Although I didn't receive any of these positions, I did receive acknowledgement and appreciation for showing interest. They were also more likely to let me know that they had chosen someone else in a timely manner. I've had other positions where I either received no feedback regarding my status or I was not informed until up to 2 months later that I was not being considered, so I think me reaching out in some instances did help both of us (the manager and myself) move along faster in the job hunt/employee search process. Additionally, I have heard of classmates who had success by contacting the unit managers, so I would say go for it if it's what you want. It may get you noticed, and if they aren't interested, you'll probably know sooner.
Good luck!
Closed Account 12345
296 Posts
I think I'd take the approach of an introductory message and would attach my resume/cover letter to that. Just be aware that even large hospital systems are smaller than they seem, and once you send this message, it's very likely that your current manager will soon know you are planning to jump ship.
Manager's Name,
My name is Jane Doe, and I am currently employed as a registered nurse in XYZ unit at ABC Hospital. I've worked in this position for the past __ years. I'm so grateful for the opportunity I've had to grow as a nurse in this role, but now I'm hoping to transfer to XYZ unit. I've heard such positive things about the unit culture in your department. List 1-2 reasons why you'd like to transfer to the new department, and let them be reasons that simultaneously sell you as a strong candidate for the opening.
I wanted to let you know that I'll be applying for the posted RN position this afternoon through HR, and I hope to speak with you soon.
Thank you,
Jane Doe
Thank you everyone for your input. I did send the hiring manager my info and professionally through email introduced myself. She responded saying she was looking over applicants but would look at my resume. I sent a follow up email a week later and unfortunately she has not responded yet-2 weeks later
20,964 Posts
It may take quite a while for her to get to the things you sent. But if in another week or two you hear nothing you can call. Or you can look to see if the position is still posted. Often they hire and quietly close the positions. I hope this is the case for you.
HiddencatBSN, BSN
594 Posts
I would leave it at that. Good luck and I hope you hear back!
17 hours ago, SmilingBluEyes said: It may take quite a while for her to get to the things you sent. But if in another week or two you hear nothing you can call. Or you can look to see if the position is still posted. Often they hire and quietly close the positions. I hope this is the case for you. Goodluck.
I hope this IS NOT the case for you I meant to say.