IRSC Fall 2015 Hopefuls! NLN study group.

U.S.A. Florida


Hello everyone! I know this is early to be talking about the fall semester 2015. I wanted to make this group for anyone that's applying for fall semester and those the are studying for NLN test. I have an A.A degree and have never take the NLN. So I am planning to make a study group so we can study to take the test before or in march 5 2015. I know when people study in groups stay more focus because we push each other or ask did you study this yet (motivation).I know IRSC will have free NLN study January to February 2015 but we can start NOW! :nurse: If you have any online study or book the help you with the NLN please share I have the NLN red book 3rd edition.Lets get together and study.Please let me know if you interested and have any idea how we can make this study group possible!Best of luck to everyone! :)

I honestly didn't do anything differently I'm currently in the emt program and think that may have helped me somewhat!

:sneaky: Well congrats on your new score and good luck!!

I took the NLN on Monday for the first time. My NLN score is 121 + 27 for A&P and Micro; total score is 148. I'm a little bummed out about my NLN score I was super nervous and unsure of what to expect. Congrats to you all on your scores. I wish everyone the best.

As I expected, I did not do that well on the NLN. I scored a 126 :banghead: wanted at least a 130.

As I expected, I did not do that well on the NLN. I scored a 126 :banghead: wanted at least a 130.

126 might still get you in! What's your total points?

126 might still get you in! What's your total points?

I believe my total is a 148. Didn't ace all of my pre-reqs, if I did those extra points could have gotten me in!

Well you did your best and it still may be enough for you to get in. Wish you the best!

Got a 123 for a overall score of 152 :barf02: not as good as i hoped. good luck to everyone else!!

Got a 123 for a overall score of 152 :barf02: not as good as i hoped. good luck to everyone else!!

Are you kidding, I was gunning for a 152! Good luck!!

It was evenly mixed. On my test, there were quite a few questions where they provided the formula/conversion equivalents and you were just expected to use the given information and plug it into the formula. And you may be lucky and get a different set of questions. Try to relax and get a good night's sleep before the exam.

I am doing a Kaplan entrance exam for the next school where I applied on Monday so I'll also be drowning in work this weekend.

How did you do on your exam for the other school, when do you find out if you got in?!

How did you do on your exam for the other school, when do you find out if you got in?!

There does not seem to be much recent information out there about the Kaplan Nursing Entrance exam, so I have no idea how my 84 score measures up. The exam doesn't even provide an idea of what percentile your score reflects. And I am not sure if the school is looking at the whole score, or just the math and English part of the score. I don't think they know either, because this is the first time they're having an entrance exam. In fact, that's one reason I applied there, to avoid an exam, and then in the middle of my process they decide to have one - some luck! Their deadline is first week of May. So maybe by the end of May, I'll know more.

I believe my total is a 148. Didn't ace all of my pre-reqs, if I did those extra points could have gotten me in!

Hang in there...I read through some of the previous forums and there is still hope at 148. It really just depends on the applicant pool.

Hi All!!

I know now we are just waiting on acceptance letters now but thought I would jump in on the forum. My NLN was a 125 with a total score of 153. I applied last year with an NLN of 111 and was not surprisingly denied. I did know a few people from my classes that were accepted with NLN scores as low as 118, so I still think I still have a good chance at acceptance. It took about 3 weeks for me to get a response so hopefully it's the same this time!! Hoping everyone gets good news and we all get to meet and start this journey together!!

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