IRSC Fall 2015 Hopefuls! NLN study group.

U.S.A. Florida


Hello everyone! I know this is early to be talking about the fall semester 2015. I wanted to make this group for anyone that's applying for fall semester and those the are studying for NLN test. I have an A.A degree and have never take the NLN. So I am planning to make a study group so we can study to take the test before or in march 5 2015. I know when people study in groups stay more focus because we push each other or ask did you study this yet (motivation).I know IRSC will have free NLN study January to February 2015 but we can start NOW! :nurse: If you have any online study or book the help you with the NLN please share I have the NLN red book 3rd edition.Lets get together and study.Please let me know if you interested and have any idea how we can make this study group possible!Best of luck to everyone! :)

Hi All!!

I know now we are just waiting on acceptance letters now but thought I would jump in on the forum. My NLN was a 125 with a total score of 153. I applied last year with an NLN of 111 and was not surprisingly denied. I did know a few people from my classes that were accepted with NLN scores as low as 118, so I still think I still have a good chance at acceptance. It took about 3 weeks for me to get a response so hopefully it's the same this time!! Hoping everyone gets good news and we all get to meet and start this journey together!!

That's a pretty good overall score!! Welcome to the forum!

Does anyone know of anyone else's scores who applied?

Does anyone know of anyone else's scores who applied?

No, but you should be pretty confident with your score. I can't believe it's barely been a week since the deadline!!!

I've decided to not take the test. I know I'm not ready & don't feel confident that I will make a better score than I did the last time as of now. My goal is to make way better (got a 109 - aiming for 130+). I don't want to waste the money when I know I won't do as good. I'm thinking of taking my last class (A&P 2) in August instead, so I can have everything done (except actual nursing classes) when I go to apply in Jan 2016. How's everyone else doing?? I hope good! :)

**I wanted to better my g.p.a (as of now i have a 2.79) but might not be able to get anything better than a 2.97 if i got straight A's for 2 classes. I would retake Micro & Lab (got a C & a B) but the school said were not allowed to since I passed. **

I think you've been following these forums for as long as I have.. I didn't think I was going to do any better on the test either because I didn't study as much as I know I should have but I took the test anyway and surprised myself with a 126. Not the greatest but I know I can do it now especially if I put more time into it. Have you thought about taking A&P 2 in the summer? That way you'll have plenty of time to just study for the NLN before September.

I think you've been following these forums for as long as I have.. I didn't think I was going to do any better on the test either because I didn't study as much as I know I should have but I took the test anyway and surprised myself with a 126. Not the greatest but I know I can do it now especially if I put more time into it. Have you thought about taking A&P 2 in the summer? That way you'll have plenty of time to just study for the NLN before September.

That's awesome u did better! Congrats!! I wouldn't mind doing a&p 2 in summer but I'm kinda scared cause I'll have a newborn (I'm due in June) - I have awesome support but it still scares me! I took Micro & A&P 1 in the summer (not together one after the other) & it was hard but I did it.

I know this site is slow with responses so I figured I would update you all with NLN scores of 3 of my classmates this semester. 150,110,125. Not sure of total points but I know we are all currently taking Micro.

That's awesome u did better! Congrats!! I wouldn't mind doing a&p 2 in summer but I'm kinda scared cause I'll have a newborn (I'm due in June) - I have awesome support but it still scares me! I took Micro & A&P 1 in the summer (not together one after the other) & it was hard but I did it.

Congratulations! In that case fall would be a better option for you after all. You don't want to take a summer class with lack of sleep LOL! What I would do (which I'm doing now just in case I don't get in this semester) start now on that huge vocabulary list on quizlet and learn 20 words a day! Started to do that for this time around and didn't get very far but the ones I did learn helped a lot so I'm going to stay on it now! We can do it girl!!

I know this site is slow with responses so I figured I would update you all with NLN scores of 3 of my classmates this semester. 150,110,125. Not sure of total points but I know we are all currently taking Micro.

Wow a 150 :nailbiting:

Lets hope most of the other applicants didn't get score like that for our sake!

Thanks for sharing!

You guys think they wont post anything because of spring break?

Last year they sent out letters the Friday after St. Patrick's Day! If they do the same this year we should have letters in 3 days!!!

Did anyone get the student health insurance from the school?!

No, but I know someone who did. Doesn't cover much but it at least shows the school you have insurance for the program!

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