Interviews suck.


I just got rejected after my first CNA interview. I thought the interview went really well I even had a family member working there who was able to vouch for me. The lady who interviewed me said it was looking good for me. Yet today I get a call saying they couldn't choose me at this time. I don't understand. I'm just really bummed about it because it's a nice facility and it's close to home. Now I have to travel at least 45 minutes to find work.

Hang in'll find something that Is going be perfect for you...good luck try indeed,careerbuilder,craigslist, apply snf I googled each one around my city and applied online if their wasnt an app I went in and applied I did all facilities in one city everyday hope that makes sense

I graduated on april28 and I've had 3 job offers :-) finally found one that fits for me I start orientation this Thursday I must of applied atleast 15 places

They may have passed on you because of the relative.

They may have passed on you because of the relative.

I don't think so. It asked on the application if I had relatives that worked there so if it were an issue they wouldn't have called me in at all.

Specializes in Long term care.

I still think it may have been because of the relative. It may have been overlooked on the application. You can always call them and ask about their policy OR ask your relative to verify the policy about hiring relatives.

Just because they turned you down for a job THIS time, doesn't mean they totally rejected you! It may have just been that there was another applicant that was more qualified.. Other positions will come up and you should have an application in there every 30 days to make sure they know you're still interested and available. You may have to start out part time or per diem to get your foot in the door. If you really want to work at this place, be willing to do what it takes and don't give up so easily.

Or even volunteer.

I just passed my exam on weds and last night just laying in bed I googled all the nursing homes that come up here in the bronx and began sending my resume to any email address under contact us. And the subject I put cna employment opportunity and I copied and pasted my resume in the box. And early this morning I got a call my first interview is on tues! Hope all goes well.

You out should try and look up even in the yellow pages. And try home care. And just send away. Good luck you will be fine and maybe next time don't state you have a relative at the job but when you put in your app ask your relative to put in a good word. That usually works better. Without stating that you are related.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
Or even volunteer.

I just passed my exam on weds and last night just laying in bed I googled all the nursing homes that come up here in the bronx and began sending my resume to any email address under contact us. And the subject I put cna employment opportunity and I copied and pasted my resume in the box. And early this morning I got a call my first interview is on tues! Hope all goes well.

You out should try and look up even in the yellow pages. And try home care. And just send away. Good luck you will be fine and maybe next time don't state you have a relative at the job but when you put in your app ask your relative to put in a good word. That usually works better. Without stating that you are related.

I wouldn't do this unless you know for a fact that your relative is on good terms with the employer. If the relative isn't considered a stable employee with a good work ethic, you may be shooting yourself in the foot using his/her name as a reference.

There can be many reasons why an employeer may pass on a potential employee, depending on the place they may have been looking for someone with experience. At the place I am at now they look for someone who makes a good first impression, are they wearing jeans or sweat pants and a t-shirt or are they wearing something that could be considered business casual. Are they well groomed, if not more than likely they are not going to be offered a position. Even for a position as a CNA you want to make sure that you make a good strong first imppression, looking well put together and articulate. Even though there is a high demand for CNA positions to be filled in many areas, a place that is worth working for is going to be choosy about who they hire. Hang in there and make sure when you go in to fill out an application or to interview that you are representing yourself as a valuable potential employee for that company. You may need to gain some experience first at another place before you are able to get into a place that you really want to get in to. Just hang in there. Also seeing if you can volunteer there would not hurt, see if there are any opportunities to help with the activities department or if the do room visits. This can allow you to make connections with the staff there and possibly could open doors to the possiblility of future employment.

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