Interview With The Most Influential Nurse Of Our Time -


Specializes in Critical Care.

Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio RN, PhD


Hey Everyone,

My name is David and I'm a long time lurker/first-time poster.

I wanted to reach out to you guys to get some input/feedback. I've been in contact with Laura and we have decided to do an interview (Me interviewing her obviously).

If you're not familiar with her, let me give you a quick rundown of SOME of her accomplishments:

  1. She was the leader of the grassroots movement advocating safe nurse-to-patient ratios that brought 35,000 nurses to DC over 2 decades ago.
  2. Holds a Ph.D. in Education AND Nursing.
  3. Has been a nurse since 1975 (What is that like 42-43 years?)
  4. Has written literally a dozen books about nursing.
  5. Owner of a magazine called "revolution" for almost a decade, which was about nurse empowerment.
  6. Currently conducts seminars across the country teaching CCRN certification.
  7. Recently topped the list "Top 5 Best CCRN resources on the planet". She also holds the number 4 spot on that list.

Needless to say, she's an amazing nurse. Arguably the most influential nurse of our time.

My question is:

What do you guys want to know about her?

We have an interview coming up in the next couple of weeks. I'll post it here when we are done.

Kind Regards,

- David Becker, RN, CCRN

---------- Questions asked so far ----------

1. How do you honestly see nursing looking in the future, with the impending retirement of the baby boomers, and the huge amount of overseas recruitment that we all have to do even now?

2. What are some of the changes you have seen over the years that have had the biggest positive or negative impact on the nursing profession?

3. What was the most challenging aspect of being a bedside ICU Nurse for you?

4. You have had a long and illustrious nursing career - what was your proudest moment?

5. Dr. Gasparis as a long-time educator what advice would you give to someone considering nursing as a career?

6. I remember that magazine "REVOLUTION" I used to love it! I admit I haven't looked for it or seen it in a LONG time. Does it still exist?

7. What can a new nurse expect to experience during the first 6 months in ICU?

Specializes in Critical Care.

"What was the most challenging aspect of being a bedside ICU Nurse for you?"

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

You have had a long and illustrious nursing career - what was your proudest moment?

Dr. Gasparis as a long-time educator what advice would you give to someone considering nursing as a career?

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

What are some of the changes you have seen over the years that have had the biggest positive or negative impact on the nursing profession?

Specializes in Critical Care.
What are some of the changes you have seen over the years that have had the biggest positive or negative impact on the nursing profession?

"What was the most challenging aspect of being a bedside ICU Nurse for you?"

You have had a long and illustrious nursing career - what was your proudest moment?

Dr. Gasparis as a long-time educator what advice would you give to someone considering nursing as a career?

Added these to my list.

I really appreciate everyone's feedback. Keep em coming!

Laura is also watching this thread by the way.

Tell us more about you and the kitten and how you incorporated what you learned from that experience into your bedside practice.

We are very excited to read that article. I am sure details of Laura Gaspari's career will empower all of us.

Would be great to have more information about her seminars and events in California (if any).

Hi Richard, I am confused by your you want to know more about me or David? And by the way....neither one of us has a kitten....

Specializes in Critical Care.
Tell us more about you and the kitten and how you incorporated what you learned from that experience into your bedside practice.

Can you please clarify? Is this a typo? Kitten?

And this:

Hi Richard, I am confused by your you want to know more about me or David? And by the way....neither one of us has a kitten....

Thank you!

Specializes in School Nursing, Pediatrics.

I remember that magazine "REVOLUTION" I used to love it! I admit I haven't looked for it or seen it in a LONG time. Does it still exist?

Hi Scuba nurse! Revolution - The Journal of Nurse Empowerment was given to the California Nurses Association back in 1999. They continued the journal for a few years, the magazine is now called National Nurse and is very informative, pro-nurse and empowering! Laura

I just want to thank you for helping me pass the CCRN. I listened to your lectures for hours while driving. And your side tangents are hilarious!

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