Interview in 3 days!


Specializes in Med-Surg.

I just landed an interview on Monday at an elementary school!! :) So excited!! Do you have any advice for the interview? Any questions I should have answers for? And any advice if I land the job?? I'm coming from 5 years med-surg adult experience, and very little pediatrics (except my own 9 month old), but I was an elementary ed major my freshman year in college haha!

Specializes in school nurse.

I've seen a few posts like this before. If you do an AN site search e.g. school nurse interview, you'll get multiple previous threads to comb through. Also, you'll see some feedback from folks post-interview. Good luck!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Don't wear scrubs...or cowboy boots. Good luck.

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes!

Just like any other interview, be yourself. If they know you don't have any peds experience then that's ok.

Good luck!! :roflmao:

Be prepared to respond to scenario type questions, and for them to assess your priority skills. Most will try to determine if you will be too needy, too independent, or will you know the balance of autonomy and knowing when to escalate to administration. Scenarios of when to involve Child Protective Services may also come up. They will also be looking for someone who can also fit in with the current building team and culture. Good Luck

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Thank you all for the tips and advice!! The interview went very well, & I should know later this week if I will be recommended for the position!! I don't know if I can accept it if I am offered it though...I was expecting a pay cut, and when they showed me the salary scale at the interview it didn't look too terrible, at first ($12,000 pay cut from what I make now)...they then said that what was listed was for 230 days, not the 180 I'd be working. When I got to my car and figured out what I would make annually, it was a $21,000 pay cut. And if I took the pay cut, plus factoring in the added thousands/year for daycare for the baby, I just don't know that we could make ends meet-it would essentially be half of what I bring home now working weekends only...And I hate it sooo much because I want to work with kids, and not be in a hospital setting anymore. I know I'd work less days/year, and have an awesome schedule when the baby starts school, but if I have to work extra on my off days to make up just some of the salary difference, I wonder if the good schedule is really even a factor anymore? There's a 7-3 M-F position opening soon on my floor that I think I'm going to go for to at least get off weekends! And if I'm still at it when the baby starts school, at least I'll be home every afternoon with her, and off every weekend.

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