Published Mar 10, 2009
29 Posts
Hey everyone who applied for CSULB's Fall '09 School of Nursing (And current/former CSULB students)! I got a call today to schedule an appointment for an interview with the nursing faculty. I did not know an interview was necessary and part of the process! I am very nervous and don't know what to expect for the interview! Has anyone else gotten a call regarding this?
When I answered and heard "..from California State University of Long beach" I thought I was gonna get news of acceptance, but nope, just to schedule an interview, haha.
14 Posts
i got the same call this morning, i was nervous. I didnt even get the room where the interview is held. Can you help me with that please?
8 Posts
I was told it is in the nursing building, room 17.
Lajimolala, BSN, RN, NP
296 Posts
I received a call today too. I had no idea they required an interview, they completely caught me off guard. Does anybody know how this interview is factored in with your chances of getting into the program? Are these interviews going to be assigned points to be added to your total points? Are they interviewing every student that applied, or those who they feel are well qualified? How many applicants are being interviewed?
I'm just a little worried because I haven't even received official notice from the university yet about whether I'm accepted or not, and I don't want to be let down. Anyway, any info would be great.
oh i also forgot, i asked what i should expect and the caller responded by saying you're going to watch a video and then you'll answer some questions. My interview is this coming monday so ill keep you updated.
Maybe theyre just interviewing the students who got accepted, sort of like a pre-orientation kind of thing? How were your gpa and test scores?
For the sciences, I got A's in all four (Micro, Anatomy, Physio, and OChem). For the Golden Four, I got 3 A's, one B. For the TEAS, I got 90%.
1,237 Posts
That's interesting I hadnt heard about an interview and I go there.
Watch a video and then get asked questions? Oh man, now I'm even more nervous! I too have not even gotten an acceptance letter into the University. Having to get interviewed did catch me off too guard, since I've never read anything about getting interviewed. I'm hoping getting an interviewed is a good thing and hopefully it is the well-qualified applicants cause I dont think they would interview ALL applicants since that's like, what, almost 200 students? Well come to think of it, they admit 90 so maybe that is possible, lol.
And regards to my grades and whatnot, I got all A's in the science pre-reqs except for Microbio since I'm currently taking it, so that will count as a C. In the General Ed. Pre-reqs I have all A's in, and i got an 89% on the TEAS and 93% on the math portion.
Well, keep us updated Rizzay! thanks and good luck to you! My interview isn't until the 23rd. But I'll post my experience after it..
11 Posts
Hii, I too got a phone call for an interview. I'm sooo incredibly nervous like all you guys im sure. From my call, I found out the people who are like the top 120 or something I believe, get interviewed, and then 90 are selected. I also heard that we will be watching a movie and will be asked to answer questions eeks!
Anyone going to the interview thats from the bay area? I spent a lot of money for my flight to go there, so I hope all will go well. My interview is on the 17th so i hope someone will post something before then on how it is. Well goodluck to all you guys!
What time is your interview on monday, Rizzay? Mine is monday the 16th, at 1pm.
Ugh, I'm sooo nervous. I really want to go to this school but I'm not good with interviews.
My interview is at 10. From the sound of it, it sounds like a group interview.
I'm really interested in what this movie is gonna be about. I was talking to a couple of my classmates about it, and they're thinking it might be a movie about like patient confidentiality or something along the lines of that; but then I thought about it, and I don't see why they would do that since they should be teaching that in classes throughout actual Nursing school.
Also, I don't think it'll be a group interview because when I asked to do mine on the 23rd, she listed a whole bunch of times (i.e. 10am, noon, 1, etc.) so I think it's going to be a one-on-one type deal. But I dunno!