International College of Health Sciences (ICHS) 2024

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi, is there anyone here that will start or already going to ICHS? If so how's your experience so far. I am interested in going to this school. I am currently a LVN in California. 

Specializes in Lvn trying to get into RN school.

hi RnnextNP, 

how did u study for fundamental, did u use any study material or website? 

Babeface said:

I live in sacramento, please can you email me on [email protected] 


I used your best grade

To study the exam is HESI 

Didn't  have enough  time to really  study  much but. This helped 

Does anyone have any idea about the APA exam? I am trying to schedule it but I have no idea how to study. HELPPPP

I took apa exam and passed fundamental and failed pharm so it was gonna be 15 month program but I got scared and withdrew from it wasted $450 on application, test and notary. I heard they fail so many people and so many people had to repeat a class so its waste of time and money for me so I withdrew

Thats your experience.  5 of my coworkers  are graduating.  1 already did he started working at the hospital  already  here in California.  

RnnextNp said:

Thats your experience.  5 of my coworkers  are graduating.  1 already did he started working at the hospital  already  here in California.  

That's good and encouraging to hear, I really want to go for it despite all the bad reviews. I just want to get through the APA exam and hoping to pass both Pham and Funda. Any tips

It's basic  information we learned in lvn school  pharm  has never been my favorite. 

RnnextNp said:

It's basic  information we learned in lvn school  pharm  has never been my favorite. 

Thank you. Will study

Babeface said:

Hi Alissa, I wanted to know if the school is a good school and do they teach student, I heard you teach yourself and they change test questions last minute to make students fail and if student don't pass the exist exam they get dropped from the program, what was your experience like, please .



The school is online so there will be a lot of information that you will go over by yourself. There are lectures that are done and that you can go over. I didn't experience questions being changed to fail students. Either you know the material or you don't.

The exit exam my friend didn't pass the first time but she passed her second time after giving herself more time to study. 

Try to experience the program for yourself. I know multiple people that have passed the program and have gotten their licenses without complications. It's an investment in yourself. No program is perfect. 

Specializes in Lvn trying to get into RN school.

Thank you Alissa for that information it's very helpful 

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