Insurance companies make me nuts!


Specializes in NICU, PICU, educator.

We had a mom deliver at our hospital because of the insurance she had and the baby had a KNOWN hypoplastic L ventricle and something fishy with the aorta....but yet they denied this mom going to the hospital where the baby would be transferred as soon as it was born...I just don't get it! Wouldn't you want to deliver at the hospital where your baby would get what it needed right away. I think it is getting crazy how the insurance companies are having such a big say in what goes on in health care today! The kicker is that she was seen at the receiving hospital several times because that is who are peds cardiologist is with! So, this hospital told her she had to deliver at our hospital and then we would transfer the baby over there. Ugh.

Just had to vent a bit!

:angryfire Yes insurance companies can drive you nuts. I was initially "denied" when I needed to get a cancerous mole removed from my back. Apparently, my diagnosis of malignant melanoma meant nothing to my insurance company. I had to "fight" my insurance company for a long time before I got them to pay any of my bills. :angryfire

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

How awful for all of you!

Another reason why I am all for national healthcare. I see a lot of that at my hospital, too. Very frustrating.

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