Published Mar 31, 2006
111 Posts
I'm a usual D - F student of math (Algebra). It's always been like that and it was quite depressing since I felt like I could never exceed beyond a D or even a mid C. Then I relocated to a seat with a brainy friend of mine. Something sparked in me, a sense of competition if you will. My friend is an A-student & I've always whined about my degrading grades in mathematics and then something crazy happens. We just had our 3rd major test & I got an 88%! LOL. I know it's pathetic but it's my first 88% in a damn Math class! Have you guys ever felt motivated or got some power boost because of some competition?
335 Posts
Always! I am a very competetive person by nature, and so in school, it's no different. I find that when I know there are others competing for the top score in the class, I try just that much harder. When I'm in a class of students who consistently underachieve and are happy with a C (not to degrade those who are happy with a C - I understand when you've studied your butt off to get that C because of difficult material, it's a GREAT grade! - I'm simply speaking to those who could do better, but would rather party on the weekends than spend time studying, and therefore don't make great grades) I only do what I know will get me a 90-94 range to keep my 4.0, and don't work any harder than that. Last semester in A&P I studied my butt off because the guy sitting next to me was always boasting about his grades and how he was going to be an MD, and no nurse wanabee could touch his grades, etc. etc. I had the highest class average, and finished with a 110% in the class - 5 points from a perfect score on every test. This semester, I am not in the same class with him, and I'll say my grades have slipped a bit (maybe partly due to working 60+ hours a week as well), but of course I maintain my A average. All it takes is a cocky comment from someone (for some reason, especially a guy) and I bust into overdrive - my competetive nature is both a blessing and a curse! Sometimes I don't WANT to be in overdrive, because if I have too much going on, one of these days it's gonna kill me - but it has given me the edge to succeed in just about everything I have tried to do. Or maybe I just quit when I see that I might not be able to do it the best... anyways, all this is to say, YES, I am always inspired by competition! Congrats on your math grade!!! It's a tough subject!
2,327 Posts
Congratulations on your great math grade!
Anger more than anything fuels my fire....if someone ticks me off it releases an enormous amount of energy in me. I put all that "Mad Energy" to good use and towards my degree,..... aiming at A's not at people.
Elizabeth Hanes, BSN, RN
14 Articles; 297 Posts
I definitely am competitive -- as much with myself as with other students. I try to stay away from perfectionism, because that can be destructive, but I do hold myself to high standards.
In a certain way, I treat academics like an athletic endeavor. I take the same attitude toward getting an A in micro as I would in training for a marathon or something. Hey, it works!
I do also find that being around people who are serious and engaged in the subject matter helps me stay focused, which isn't exactly competitive, but I do believe it helps me achieve higher grades.
Best wishes to you on your terrific math grade and, more important, your self-discovery!
186 Posts
Yep, I am definetely a competitive person!!! Maybe it comes from playing sports my whole life??!!? I would always practice harder and longer to beat the competition. Well, same goes for my grades, especially if I sit next to someone who always feels the need to be MR or MISS smarty pants. Yes I make good grades, but I don't need to have the answer to EVERY question in class. I can't stand these people, and it drives me even harder to better on my tests and quizes. I know this might not be the best attitude, but it's how I tick...I am just competetive by nature!!!
stressgal, RN
589 Posts
They say the "A" students sit in the front of the class. I always sit in the front. Less distractions, easier to focus closer to the instructor if you have a question. Keep up the good work. Isn't it great to KNOW you CAN do it? Don't sell yourself short, go for it!!!!
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
Whatever works!
I hope this motivates you, and completely changes your attitude. YOU **CAN** MAKE GOOD GRADES IN ALGEBRA!!!
Anyway, thanks guys for the congratulations. I appreciate it. I'll let ya know when I ace all of my four classes (hopefully).
labcat01, BSN, RN
629 Posts
Whatever works! I hope this motivates you, and completely changes your attitude. YOU **CAN** MAKE GOOD GRADES IN ALGEBRA!!! Congrats!
Preach on sister!
P.S. It isn't pathetic and don't give your friend credit. You worked hard and you deserve your grade :) Congrats!