In New York Has Anyone Been Accepted Into Beth Israel In The Last 2 Weeks Pls. Reply!


hi if you were called in for an interview or accepted into the philips beth israel school of nursing in new york city please reply and if you do not mind post your ad percentile and your overall composite score from the nln exam. i am trying to get an idea of what range of scores is being called. i am still waiting and ready to jump. :selfbonk: i greatly appreciate it. today is 4/23/06

Specializes in CWOCN.

My overall percentile composite for AD was 95 (BI requires 55+). Still hoping to get called for an interview. I learned they got about 400 scores this week and are working through their process.

my overall percentile composite for ad was 95 (bi requires 55+). still hoping to get called for an interview. i learned they got about 400 scores this week and are working through their process.

hi barbny, thanks for your response. you got 95 under ad and have not received a call???? that seems pretty good to me. did you score less than 55 on any of the three sections? approx. when did you receive your nln scores?

you mentioned 400 scores :trout: what week was this that you learned about it? any idea how many more students are being accepted or how many in total. i am starting to feel that i do not stand a chance with 85 under ad and competing with 400 that is quite a bit. any suggestions how to improve chances. have you been calling for status? sorry about so many questions. as you can see, you are the only one so far who has replied to my post. i thought perhaps wishful thinking that the competition was minimal. wish you luck as well. i am surprised you have not received a call with a score like that. 95 that is. what was your composite score? my composite was 124, i thought that was a good score, but so far no call. i got my scores 1st week in april. oh well, stay in touch and have happy thoughts. :monkeydance:

Specializes in CWOCN.


Thanks for replying.

My overall composite was 139. I got a call yesterday (5/5) and my interview is May 16. I received my scores on 4/28 for the test I took on 4/20.

When I wrote an email to BI on 5/1, they mentioned they had received the test scores for 400 test takers that day and that someone would get back to me. I have no idea of the order of how they set up the interviews (alphabetical, numerical or whether all details have been received for the portfolio). I had written them to make sure they had all of my documents (letters of reference, transcripts, etc.).

Remember the deadline for completion of all documents was May 1. I have a feeling they are just getting the majority of the process underway.

Keep me posted and I'll keep you posted. I think your score is more than adequate, since it is 30 points above what they are looking for.

Take care.



thanks for replying.

my overall composite was 139. i got a call yesterday (5/5) and my interview is may 16. i received my scores on 4/28 for the test i took on 4/20.

when i wrote an email to bi on 5/1, they mentioned they had received the test scores for 400 test takers that day and that someone would get back to me. i have no idea of the order of how they set up the interviews (alphabetical, numerical or whether all details have been received for the portfolio). i had written them to make sure they had all of my documents (letters of reference, transcripts, etc.).

remember the deadline for completion of all documents was may 1. i have a feeling they are just getting the majority of the process underway.

keep me posted and i'll keep you posted. i think your score is more than adequate, since it is 30 points above what they are looking for.

take care.


barbara, thanks for your quick response. congratulations on getting an interview that is a great sign. practically in. i am worried if they would leave a message on an answering machine. since i am frequently out.

would you be so kind as to private message me the email to whom to write to. i did email from the website but never received an answer. my file has been complete since the begining. when you mention a score of 55, i believe that the school means 55 on math, 55 in science, 55 in verbal as a minimum score in each category. did you score 55 or better in each category? i did terrible in math and scored below 55 and that may be the reason why i have not heard from them. i did very well in verbal and science though. still praying.

i do remember during the open house, that it was mentioned that if you have an interview you are as good as in. another words i would be very excited and happy and would start planning my finances and schedules. :balloons::monkeydance:

Specializes in Peds.

Hey guys...

New to forum but have been reading your posts for a while.

I applied to like 6 schools, PBI being my top choice. They are also the only school I have had any word from. I have not been accepted, but I did recieve a call for an interview next tuesday. The wierd thing is though I never recieved my NLN scores and I took it 4/13, so I have no idea what my score is. I was really concerned taking it though because there was soooooooo much physics on it. Has anyone actually interviewed?

hey guys...

new to forum but have been reading your posts for a while.

i applied to like 6 schools, pbi being my top choice. they are also the only school i have had any word from. i have not been accepted, but i did recieve a call for an interview next tuesday. the wierd thing is though i never recieved my nln scores and i took it 4/13, so i have no idea what my score is. i was really concerned taking it though because there was soooooooo much physics on it. has anyone actually interviewed?

hi, what kind of scores did you get under ad on the nln? what was the composite score? did you get the interview with beth israel? did you speak with someone from the school directly or did they leave a message for you to call someone? i have been waiting for over a month now. i am trying to get a feel for the scores of who they are calling for an interview, would greatly appreciate your feedback. thanks

Specializes in Peds.

I never got my scores from the NLN so I have no idea how I did. Someone from Beth Israel called my cell yesterday ande scheduled the appointment. They said they were scheduling interviews for all of the week of the 15th. Hang in there! Did you apply anywhere else and have you heard from them?

Specializes in Oncology.

Hi Mario. I was thinking about you this week and wondering if they called. My fingers are still crossed for you.

flatonyc and barbnyc good luck on your interview. I had mine mid-april. Let us know how they go. Are you doing the ATOP or traditional two-year?

Specializes in CWOCN.

Hi NYAussie,

Thank you for your kind wishes.

I'm open for either ATOP or traditional options. I've been taking the science preclinicals at a local community college and will have all pre- and co-requisites completed before September, except pharmacology and mathematical dosing. I have Microbiology scheduled for the summer. I've been studying the mathematical dosing in between to get a jumpstart. I have another degree and hope once I become an RN to transition to a BSN option. At the BI Open House they spoke of a BSN "bridge course" available through Pace for RNs who go through Beth Israel's program who are second degree students.


Specializes in Oncology.
Hi NYAussie,

Thank you for your kind wishes.

I'm open for either ATOP or traditional options. I've been taking the science preclinicals at a local community college and will have all pre- and co-requisites completed before September, except pharmacology and mathematical dosing. I have Microbiology scheduled for the summer. I've been studying the mathematical dosing in between to get a jumpstart. I have another degree and hope once I become an RN to transition to a BSN option. At the BI Open House they spoke of a BSN "bridge course" available through Pace for RNs who go through Beth Israel's program who are second degree students.


Hi Barbara

I am actually open for both also. When I was notified of acceptance I was told they are merely scheduling options and you could do whichever program space permitting. I hope to see you in the Fall.


Specializes in Peds.

thanks NY aussie! I applied to both programs because all I have left is nutrition and pharm and they said that you could still be in the Atop with a good plan to complete remaining courses. Either way, I'll just take being admitted at all!!! How was the interview? Full hour? Do you have any words of advice, because obviously your interview was successful!

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