In need of advice

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone! I am a long time lurker on this website, and I finally decided to make an account because I need some advice.

So, I started my long process of becoming a nurse in January 2013. That was my first semester of college and now here I am 2 years later. I am going to be starting my semester next week, and am taking A&P2 and Communications. I have Chemistry and Microbiology left after that and than I can sign up for my school nursing program!!!

I guess the reason I made this thread was because some of my family members have been criticizing me saying I am taking to much time, or whenever I see some they ask if I am in nursing school yet. I have been taking classes part time and saving up money, so I am currently debt free in college; but I'm wondering if they are right? Am I taking to long?

Sorry this turned into kind of a rant:shy: any advice is much appreciated. And have a good day everyone!

Hey girl, Good for you! I concur- go at the pace that is right for you. Plus, if your job is in the healthcare field, then it will make the material that you're learning all the more relevant. Even if you're not working in healthcare, being debt-free these days is awesome. Best of luck to you!!

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

live your life the way you want to. The end.

I'm in a similar boat. It took quite a while to get through my pre-reqs, which turned out to coincide fairly well with the fact that my school had quite a waiting list for admission to the nursing school. I'm in my second semester now, but it's seven semesters (2.5 years), so it's quite a long program for me.

There's nothing wrong with people asking why it's taking so long. I certainly wish I was already done and getting paid employment. But at least in my case this is the ONLY way it works for me. The community college is affordable and I can take night classes and work in the day time.

Specializes in Emergency Room Nursing.

Don't rush. Do it at your own pace. Nursing school is one of the hardest things you will ever have to endure... and the more prepared you are the better. Mentally prepared that is... If you feel you can handle it then you will! If you aren't 100% ready and you jump in you may not get the results you anticipated.

Besides, its not up to other people to decide whats the right pace for your life. Go with the flow, do what you gotta do for you! I ended up taking six years to finish the BSN because I was burnt right out halfway through and had some personal things happen...

Good luck

Specializes in Senior Care.

Nursing is not something you just dive into. Do not let your mates or relatives push or rush you for anything. Take as long as you like. As long as you feel comfortable.

Hi ! I believe slow and steady wins the race and your time frame seems totally acceptable to me. I have just been accepted into the nursing school of my choice and start clinicals on the 28th. It has taken me a year and half ( 3 semesters) since enrolling in college to finish my pre-reqs, NLN, and reach this point. I hope to complete my associates within the next 2 years but as anxious as I am to graduate soon/ start working, I don't believe the path to being an RN can be rushed. Don't let anyone pressure you, being in nursing school is stressful enough. Good Luck !

I heard this many times during my Nursing School journey and I completely understand how you feel. But, you have to remember that it isn't a race. It is you and your goals and should be on your time schedule, however you seem it should be. I always felt so much pressure from others who didn't understand and it was tough. But, I did it on my own time and I wouldn't have changed it any other way. It's your goals and dreams and you should set forth the plan, however you seem fit! Good luck to you. You will get there!!

Specializes in Transitional Nursing.

Everyone does it at their own pace. I don't want to tell you how long I've been taking pre-reqs, (haha) but its a lot longer than 2 years ;-)

People ask me about it also, especially since there are people in my family who are already done with NS. I just smile and say "I'm finishing up".

The truth is, the way I've done it, I'll be really close to getting my BSN by the time I get my ASN. Either way, it doesn't matter, this is the pace I've had to go with.

They're not the ones going through it, so they don't get an opinion. :-)

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