Published Feb 3, 2006
216 Posts
When inserting a foley do you all in nursing land implement the following steps?
1. Use the linen saver in the kit?
2. Place the sterile drape under the patients hips?
3. Drape the patients lower abdomen with the sterile fenestrated drape so that only the genital area remains exposed?
Do you simple follow sterile technique, being careful not to contaminate the sterile gloves during the procedure and eliminate the steps 1 thru 3?
wooh, BSN, RN
1 Article; 4,383 Posts
I skip #3, that thing just gets in the way and makes me more likely to break sterile technique.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
I lay a sterile field on the bedside table. Keep sterile and skip the other drapes.
Indy, LPN, LVN
1,444 Posts
I don't tuck under patient's hips; too much trouble to get it right. I just lay it in the middle sorta. I don't use the drape with a hole in it for the reason it was intended because the one time I tried, on a man, I unthinkingly grabbed the member to make it fit through the hole nicely, thus messing up the right hand before I had opened the rest of the supplies. I may lay that drape overlapping the first one to extend my sterile field a few inches though.
tridil2000, MSN, RN
657 Posts
I didnt think anyone would reply-so I want to thank you for those who did, and those who will.
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
The only time I use the fenestrated thingy is when I'm cathing a male, to have a small sterile field over his lap. When cathing a female I lay it on the bed between her legs for the same reason. This is only to have a steril place for the foley itself in case I lose my grip on the tube. Otherwise, I barely remember how we were taught in school!!!
zambezi, BSN, RN
935 Posts
When inserting a foley do you all in nursing land implement the following steps? 1. Use the linen saver in the kit? 2. Place the sterile drape under the patients hips? 3. Drape the patients lower abdomen with the sterile fenestrated drape so that only the genital area remains exposed? ORDo you simple follow sterile technique, being careful not to contaminate the sterile gloves during the procedure and eliminate the steps 1 thru 3?
I am not even sure what #1 is...
I usually place the drape under the patients hips but I don't consider it sterile (nor do I try to make it overly sterile). I just use it as a place to place my betadine swabs without getting my sheets dirty. I will use the drape with the hole in it only for male patients- and only occassionally at that. I find that it gets in the way more than anything. I usually place a bedside table to my right and make a nice sterile field there- easily within reach. My Left hand is my "unsterile" hand that either holds the member or the labia open. Right hand ovbiously remains sterile for the cath insertion.
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
I don't use the drape with the hole because it makes things even more difficult.
I also use the left hand as unsterile and the right as sterile.